Chapter 69

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(Myra's outfit)
Myra's pov
I got home and walked into my house and slam the door and I screamed and knock down everything and threw one of the vases at the wall. I tore up the living room and slid down the wall and just cried and said why me honey why I did all of this for you and everything is my fault I wish you were here jack why did you have to leave me I need you right now please come back. I get up and walk to my cellar full of liquor and took a bottle of svedka vodka (strawberry lemonade) and walked back to the kitchen and I got out a class cup and put some ice in there and pour it and took the bottle with me upstairs. I took off my clothes and change my outfit into something comfy and lay on my bed and turn on Netflix and start watching some movies and drink my vodka. I heard the doorbell ring and I said ughhhhh who is that at the door and I paused the movie and walk downstairs and I open the door and see Jacob and I rolled my eyes and said what you want and drink the rest of the vodka and pour some more. He closed the door and said why you not at work and I said ask Bonita's son he's the reason why I'm not there and Jacob said did you get fired. I scoffed and said of course not I'm just suspended for a week cause they think I'm dangerous and he said well I mean you did kill her son and I throw the vase of flowers on the floor and screamed I KNOW I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I DID NO ONE NEEDS TO FUCKING REMIND ME!!! I cried and put my head in my hands and Jacob hugged me and I said no get away from me please get Away from me and Jacob said shhh it's ok Myra it's ok. I sobbed and said I miss him so much Jacob he always understood me I wish he was here. He said I know I miss him too so many things I would wanna talk to him about and I just cried. Jack I love you so much I just wanna hear your voice right now.

Carlos's pov
I decided to hang out with my brothers James and Peter today. So we went to grab some lunch and I said how you feeling James. James said I'm ok I'm really sorry about Julio and I said it's ok he's still in pain but I know he will get through this. Peter said did they arrested her and I said yea but Bonita said her son bailed her out and Dulce went with him. I shake my head and said I don't know why she is so in love with this boy and Peter said the same way how you is with Bonita and I said what you mean. Peter said remember when her mom didn't want you around her but did you listen and I said no and he said exactly that's what's going on with Dulce and Myra's son she cares about him she don't care what people think of him she wanna be there no matter what and you have to let her. I said but he's gonna hurt her and Peter said no you are gonna hurt her if you don't let her be with him they just like you and Bonita just let them be Carlos. Our food came and the waiter said enjoy and I looked up and it was Daniela and I smiled and said hey Dani and she said hey dad, hey uncle peter and uncle James and they said hey niece. I saw how you doing and she sighed and said I been calling Dulce but she hasn't answered any of my calls I think I'm just gonna give her some space and i nod my head and said don't worry she'll come around she can't stay mad at you forever. I wish everything will go back to normal.

Daddy I'm in love with a gangsta (cholo love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora