Chapter 74

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Manuel's pov
After school, me, Enrique, Grace, Thomas, Anna, and Leili walked out and I said so YALL ready for tonight and Enrique said hell yea it's finna be dope. Grace smiled and said yea Antonio bringing out his lowrider tonight it's hella clean and Anna said yea I'm going with My sis Pia tonight she driving her lowrider too it's going down tonight  and Leili said you are already know. Dulce said Enrique you coming and he said hey manny you want a ride and I said hell yea and Antonio pulled up and Grace said see you guys later and everyone else went home. I said thanks Dulce and she said anytime manny see you tonight and I said see you tonight and Enrique let me know what time you get dress and he said you already know and I get out my key and unlock the front door and waved back to Dulce and Enrique and they waved back and drove off. I walk into the house and yelled mom I'm home and she said Upstairs and I walk to the kitchen and get out a water bottle and open it and drink it and walked upstairs. I go in her room and saw a bottle of don Julio tequila and I fake smile and said hi mom and she said hi mijo (son) how was school and I said it was good how was your day and she smiled big and said couldn't been better. I nod my head and said well I'm going to go do my homework and play the game until 6:40 and she said oh yea tonight is cruise night huh and I said yea are you going and she shrugged her shoulders and said I might I don't know but you and Julian be safe ok I don't want nothing happening to you both. I walked over and kissed her forehead and said ok mom I promise I love you and she said love you more son. I walked to my room and open the door and put my backdown in the closet and close the door and turned on my speaker and charge my phone and put on ambitionz Az A Ridah by Tupac and took out my history book and English book and the papers and sat at my desk and got started. Yes some gangstas care about there grades lol.

Antonio's pov
Me and Grace got home and I said hey wheats you with you and Manuel and she got out a water and said Julian's brother? I rolled my eyes playfully and sarcastically said nah Santa Claus grandson yes Julian's brother and she took a sip of her water and said nothing and I scoffed and said bull fucking shit I see the way he looks at and she said isn't everyone supposed the look at each other? I chuckled and said yea but the way he looks at you it's like he really cares about you and Grace smiled and said well I care about him too and I said yes I knew it you and him are together and she start walking upstairs and yelled whatever floats your boat Antonio!! I shook my head and laid on the couch and decided to FaceTime my queen (Lola) and I wait for her to answer and she answered and said hey baby and I smiled and said hey baby what you doing and she said at the nail shop with Francisca and I said ooooh what you getting queen? She blushed and smiled and said it's a surprise and I pout and said but I wanna know and Francisca said than it won't be a surprise and I laughed and said hey Francisca and she said what's poppin? She said what you doing and I said bout to play the game and than figure out what I'm going to wear for tonight and she smiled and said are you excited and I said hell yea i heard there's gonna be hella nice cars and trucks out tonight and Francisca said man I'm going to look extra cute tonight. I chuckled and said I can't wait til our baby is born so I can take he or she to cruise nights and car shows and Lola smiled big and said me too baby. We talked more and than she said ok baby I'm bout to get my toes and eyebrows done and I said ok queen go ahead and enjoy your little massage call me after and she smiled and said ok my king and I said I love you and she said I love you more and Francisca said byeeee tony and I chuckled and said bye giggled and hung up. I love her so fucking much and I don't care if I look stupid cause this girl is my first love, wife, mother of our kid, and my everything til the day we die.

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