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Hola chicas and Chico's (hey girls and boys) it's your sweetheart Leticia but please call me blue cause 1 that is my favorite color and 2 I'm always wear something blue lol. I'm from Mexico but I moved to east l.a when I was 5 and it's been my home ever since. I'm 17 and a junior and I'm in a gang called east side Ballas and they is mi familia de por vida (my family for life). I live with my dad and brother Diego he is 19 and a senior. I'm really gonna miss him when he leaves for college buts that not for a long time so we gonna have fun as much as we can. Bye everyone see y'all later my mans is calling me.

Daddy I'm in love with a gangsta (cholo love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin