Chapter 43

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Dulce's pov
I get to the hospital and I said hi I'm here for Carlos he's our dad and the lady told us the room and we all ran to the elevator and I was a shaking mess. Julian holds me while I cry and the elevator opens and I run to the room looking for it and I find it and saw my dad laying there and Daniela looked up and said Dulce and I didn't let her finish cause I ran in her arms crying and so did Enrique. Julio said he gonna be fine and I pulled away and said who did this and Dani and Julio looked down and I yelled who and Dani pulled me out the room and close the door and she whispered Julian's uncle. I scoffed and said bye Dani and she pulled my arm and whispered it's true Dulce dad just doesn't wanna say anything and I said no you just saying stuff to make me and Enrique stay away from his family well guess what it's not happening. I went back in the room and I said I'm going home and Julio said what's but I cut him off and said don't talk to me Julio,Enrique if you need me I'll be home and he said I'll come with you and Daniela said no your staying and I said you are not his mother you should be worrying about your own daughter and she slapped me and I glared at her and walked out the room with Enrique behind me. He hugs me and said are you ok sissy and I cried and said no but I will be just know I love you and he said I love you more and we walked to the elevator. I don't know why my dad, my brother, and now my own sister hate Julian and his family so much.

Julio's pov
Dani sighed and put her head in her hands and Julian said what the fuck was that about and Dani looked up and said your uncle that's what this is about. I said Dani stop and she said no he should know and Julian said what the fuck are you talking about and she stand up and walked towards him and said your uncle tried to kill my fucking dad. Julian glared at her and said your lying there's no way he would do that and Dani smirked and said oh really why don't you ask him yourself and Julian walked out the room and slam the door. I said why the fuck would you do that we don't know if it was him and she said yes we do Julio I followed him and I said you need help Daniela you really do and I walked out the room and I said hey Julian I'm
Sorry about my sister she's not in her right mind. He sighed and said it's all good Julio I just want you to know I would never do anything dangerous to Dulce and your family I love her.  I smiled and said I know you have my blessings if you two ever date and we hugged and he said thank you Julio I promise I'll treat your sister right. And I believe him he's a really good guy.

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