Chapter 64

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Leticia's pov
I was sitting next to Enrique and his mom in the waiting room and Bonita said hey he's gonna be ok don't worry and I smiled and said he's lucky to have a mom like you you are so caring, lovable I wish my mom was like that. Bonita said if you don't mind me asking what happened to her and I sighed and said she ran off to marry a rich man and just left me and my brother Diego with my dad but it's ok cause me and Diego are close to our dad he's like our best friend. She smiled and said well he raised you right cause you make my son so happy and I blushed and said no I don't think so and she said oh stop he came home so excited the day you said yes to being his girlfriend he cried and we giggled and she said all I know is that you changed him he thought he would never find love but when he met you, you is all that he talked about. I smiled and was gonna day something but the doctor said family of Julio Ramirez and we all stand up and Carlos said how is he and the doctor said well I got some good news and bad news the good news is that he survive and made it through the survey. We sighed in relief and Enrique hugged me and so did his mom and the doctor said the bad news is that he is gonna have to stay here for a week or 2 cause the spot he got in is gonna take some time to heal and we don't want him to damage nothing by moving so fast. Bonita sighed and nod her head and said thank you so much doc can we see him and he smiled and said of course follow me and we followed him. I smiled when i saw him and bonita said oh my god I am so glad that you are alive and she hugged him and kiss his forehead and he said don't cry mom it's ok and she said I'm just glad that you are fine. His dad said hey son how you feeling and Julio said still hurts but they gave me some medicine to numb the pain and Carlos sighed and said I'm sorry that you got involve of this son and Julio said it's not your fault. Enrique hugs him and cry and said I thought I was gonna loose don't ever do that again and Julio hugs him back and tears up and said I promise I'm never leaving u bro I'm always here to protect you. I smiled and said hey handsome and Julio smiled wide and said hey how did but I cut him off and said I came here with Dulce did you really think I wasn't gonna come well you thought wrong silly. He chuckled and I kissed him and he kissed back and he said I love you so much and I smiled while tearing up and said I love you too baby so much. Everything is gonna be ok I know it.

Julian's pov
Me and Dulce get to the police station and I said hey I'm here for my mom Myra Rodriguez and the police officer said right this way and we followed him. The officer said today is your lucky day Myra and My mom looked up and said Julian you came and she ran in my arms and hugged me crying and I cried too and said of course mom. She pulled away and said hey Dulce and Dulce smiled and said hey Myra look I am so sorry for what Daniela and my uncle James try to do yo you, you didn't deserve that. My mom smiled and said I am also sorry why I did to your father and son they didn't deserve that and they hugged each other and I smiled and said awww group hug and they laughed.  We was walking when the same officer said Sunday you have a court date ms. Rodriguez and we said for what and he said for torturing Carlos Ramirez and shooting his son Julio Ramirez. My mom sighed and said ok what time and he said 1:40 pm please don't be late and she nodded her head and said yes sir and we walked out the door and Dulce said why a dickhead and I chuckled and said you have no idea. I really hope my mom don't have to do time Manuel needs a parent in is life he would be even more depressed.

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