Chapter 41

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(Dulce's swimsuit)
Dulce's pov
After school was over, I met up with Lola and  I said hey Pia you still wanna go for a ride and she smiled and said hell yeah let's go and we linked arms and Lola yelled hey me, giggles, and blue have to go on a mission so tell Antonio I'm going to be late. I yelled ok and Enrique and manny come and I said hey bro, hey manny and Enrique said hey sis can you give us a ride to Antonio's house we going to play soccer with his sister and I said yea I'm going that way anyways. After I went on a drive with pia, I dropped her off at home and she yelled bye and I yelled bye call you when I get home and Manuel get in the front and he said well hello there and I laughed and said hey there and drove away and put on run tha streetz by Tupac  and we all starting singing. I stop at the house so me and Enrique can change and Manuel said I'll meet you guys back here and I said ok be safe and he said I will and rode his bike. I can't wait to see Julian I felt like I haven't seen him in forever I love spending time with him.

Julian's pov
After Me and Antonio did our mission and got our money, we went to his house and Antonio said hey Lola and Dulce is coming over to swim you gonna join and I smiled wide cause I missed Dulce I love spending time with her and I said duhhhh I missed my princess. He laughed and said man I feel you I missed my princess too I'm trying to win her back she always understood me and his little sister came down and said softies and I laughed and messed up her hair and said wassup with you Grace? She laughed and said nothing waiting for Manuel and Enrique to come so we can swim and play soccer after. I said damn you tryna get skinny why you already are and she hit me with a pillow and I hit her back and the doorbell rung and Antonio said I'll get it and he open the door and said hey wassup with my foos and they all hugged each other and Dulce  said oh Lola is gonna be late cause her, Francisca, and Leticia is doing a mission. Antonio sighed and said thank you for letting me know Dulce and she pat his back and said I'm sorry and he said it's not your fault and I smiled and said hey princess and she smiled wide and yelled Julian and ran to me and I picked her up and spin her around and she kissed my cheek. I put her down and she said I missed you and I said not as much as I missed you and she giggled and manny said we gonna swim or what and Grace yelled hell yea to the pool and Dulce took off her clothes and I gulped cause damn she looks beautiful as always and I picked her up and throw her on my shoulder and she squealed and yelled Julian and I smiled and throw her in the pool and jumped in. This girl always take my stress away and that's what I love about her.

Daddy I'm in love with a gangsta (cholo love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ