Chapter 39

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Dulce's pov
After p.e was over, I went to French class with Pia and Hector (one of Diego's friends) and we walked in and sat down. The bell ringed and the teacher walked in and said good morning my lovely students I want you all to answer these 3 questions write here on this board and write them in English of course  and we laughed. I take out my notebook and a pencil and start writing. While I was writing, my phone vibrate and I looked and it was a text from Julian saying "hey my beautiful princess I miss you" and I smiled and text backed "hey my handsome king I miss you more how you feeling". I finish the questions and the teacher said when you are finish just raise your hand so I can come by and stamp it and i raised my hand. He got up and walked over and said ahhhh you want to be a child psychologist that is a really good career ms. Dulce. I smiled and he stamp Pia's paper and Hectors and walk away and Pia said he is so fucking handsome like he is a god and I giggled and said tell me about but you better not tell Diego and Hector said man he gonna kill you and us and we laughed and Pia said who said he has to know and she winked. Lol she so funny.

Bonita's pov
After I checked on one of my patients, Myra walked in and she smiled and said hey chica how are you and I smiled a little and said
I'm ok just tired. She said what's wrong you are usually happy and we was walking down the hall and I said my husband someone bail him out and none of my family members bailed him out and now he's gone I don't know where he's at this is not like him. She hugged me and said I'm sorry Bonita all you can do is pray and think positive and I smiled and said yea how are you doing though and right when she was going to say something, someone came in screaming and said HELP SOMEONE HELP MY DAD NEEDS HELP and I recognize the voice and yelled Julio. I ran and gasped and said omg baby Carlos what happen Julio what happen to him and Julio said this unknown number text me saying "that my dad is in danger and come to this address" and I said who can this be and Julio said I don't know mom dad won't say who it is but I know he knows something. Me and the workers get him
to a room and I kissed his forehead and said I love you baby so much and I was leaving when another one of my friends said where you going Bonita and I said to find out who did this to my husband and I ran out. I'm going to do whatever it takes to stop this person cause no one hurts my family.

Daddy I'm in love with a gangsta (cholo love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя