Chapter 45

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Leticia's pov
I get to school so happy and I walked in with peace (pia) and churros (Lisa) and glow (Lola), giggles (Francisca), and red (Dulce) walked up and I said hola my bitches and they said wassup bitch. Dulce smiled and said blue is that glowing I see and I blushed and said what no and she smirked and said mhmm sure and glow said yea I think she is glowing and I said ok ok y'all catch me I am glowing and I'm really happy. Red smiled and said you must got some from my brother cause I felt the earth shaking this morning and we all laughed and I pushed her playfully and wrap an arm around her and said it was so good and stick my tongue out. Giggles said blah blah we don't need to hear about that and I said oh shut it I heard you getting some too from Hector and she shake  her ass and said girl he giving me justice and we all laughed and I said see y'all later girls and they said bye and we went out separate ways. Now I miss my frog (Julio) wonder what he doing.

Julio's pov
Me and my homie finish our mission and get our money and I said welp that's it for today I'll see y'all Thursday and everyone said bye and my homie said you in a good mood also I see homie. I smiled and said what I don't know what you talking about and he rolled his eyes playfully and said mhmm sure you got some pussy this morning huh and I smirked and said ok ok you got me yea but this girl is One of a kind I really like her bro. He smiled and said finally my bro is settling down and I said yea how's you and yo girl and he smiled wide and said we good I just found out we having a baby I'm helping happy bro like this is the best news and I said congrats bro if you ever need help I'm a call away and he said thanks bro and we bro hugged and left. I get to the hospital and parked and got out the car and locked it and walk towards the hospital door. I walked inside and said I'm here for Carlos my dad and they write my name and gave me a visitor pass sticker and I put it on my shirt and said thank you and walked to the elevator. I walked to the room and I knocked on the door and someone yelled come in and I open the door and smiled and said hey mom, hey dad and they said hey and dad said ohhhh looks who all happy and I blushed and mom said and he's blushing who got you this happy. I smiled and said you will meet her soon her name is Leticia she makes me the happiest guy I like her a lot and mom said well finally you settle down now we just need to have Dani settled down cause she is being a little to grumpy. I chuckled and said good luck she is stubborn as hell I think that's where Dulce gets her anger management from and we all laughed. I'm glad my dad is up and better I would be torn if my dad didn't make it.

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