Chapter 40

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(Daniela's outfit)
Daniela's pov
After I took a nap, I got up and went to go do my business and I texted Dulce "hey when you and Enrique gets home let me know cause ima cook for you guys love y'all be safe". I flushed and washed my hands and get my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth and Dulce texted back "I'm going swimming with my friend Lola and Enrique is going with Manuel (Julian's brother) to play soccer". I rolled my eyes and wash out my mouth and wash my face and texted back "whatever be safe and don't do anything stupid" and I walked back to my room and pick out an outfit and put it on and let my hair down and brush it and grab my phone and keys and walk downstairs. I wrote a note and said "hey Rosie I'm going to see my dad cause he in the hospital I'll explain when I get back and I'm going to pick up Dana after love you and be safe" and I put it on the fridge and walked out and made sure to lock the door  and I unlock my car and get in and start the engine and drove off.  I get to the hospital and park  and get out and walk and I said hi I'm here to see my dad Carlos I'm his oldest daughter and the lady smiled and said 1st floor room 103 and I smiled and said thank you and walk to the elevator. I get out and walk looking for the room and I find it and knock and I hear someone yelled come in and I open the door and I saw Julio and his homie and I smiled and said hey and Julian smiled and hugged me and I hugged him back. His homie hugged me too and I said how's he doing and Julio sighed and said he hasn't woke up yet but the doctor
Said he is fine and he will wake up soon and I nod my head and looked around and I whispered we gotta force him to tell us what happen Julian I mean he knows something. Julio whispered I know but not now he's in bad health sis and I whispered I know that idiot and I hear the door open and its Myra and she smiled and said sorry did I interrupt something and I fake smile and said no nothing at all  but  can I talk to you private. Julio said Dani and I said I'll be fine and we walked out. I wanna get this bitch to confess.

Myra's pov
Me and Dani stepped outside and I said is everything ok and Dani said drop the act Myra I know what your brother did and he deserves to go back prison. I smirked and said I have no idea what you talking about and she rolled her eyes and put her hand on the wall and whispered yelled yes the fuck you do and he is going to fucking pay and I said your dad isn't innocent either Daniela he's more guilty than my brother. Dani said bullshit your brother did more damage he is sick what he did to my uncle was fucked up and than he try to kill my dad how could you let him do that and I walked closer to her and said cause he took the love of my life away Daniela my kids is never getting him back they loved him so fucking much and look where he is now dead cause of that bastard in there but don't worry he will pay. Daniela said got rot in hell and I said i vacation there and I walked away. No one is going to stop me no one.

Daddy I'm in love with a gangsta (cholo love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin