Chapter 68

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Leticia's pov
While I was walking to 3rd period with giggles which is history, my phone start ringing and it was my doctor and I answer and said hey dr. Diana and she said hey sweetheart so I got your results back. I get out my book and close my locker and said what was the results and she said you are pregnant and I gasped and said are you sure and she said yeah we went over it 2 times and they both said pregnant. I start crying and said thank you dr. Diana and she said no problem dear have a good day and I said you too and hanged up and me and giggles to the class which is upstairs and she said what's wrong chica (girl) and I looked at her and said I'm pregnant. She hugged me and said don't worry babes everything is gonna be ok I'm pretty sure Julio won't be mad and I sighed and said I hope not cause I wanna keep the baby and she pulled away and squealed and said this is amazing you and Lola is pregnant. I laughed and walked into the class and I said I'm going to see him today after school so that get me the chance to tell Dulce and I'll tell the girls tomorrow at the cruise. Giggles smiled widely and said I am so happy for you, you are gonna be a great mom and I took out my notebook, a pencil, and homework and said oh shit how am I gonna tell my dad. Giggles said oh shit I didn't think of that and I smack my forehead and said same and shake my head. Oh my god I hope my dad don't be mad at me.

Julian's pov
Me and Antonio was heading back to the warehouse and Antonio said how's your mom and I sighed and said not so good she has court on Sunday. Antonio shook his head and said damn I'm really sorry bro this is so fucked up and I said tell me about it and we parked and got out the car and head inside and gave the money to our boss so he could count it out he gave some to us and he said I hope everything goes well with your mom Julian and Antonio be a good dad when you and Lola have the baby. We smiled and said of course and he said ok you two have 3 more missions get to going and we nod our heads and walked out and we got in my car and I drove off and I said how's Lola? Antonio smiles and said she's good she be hungry a lot though but it's ok cause I love her no matter what and grace is excited to be an auntie. I smiled and said I'm happy for you bro and he said thanks foo how's you and Dulce? I smiled and said we good I'm thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend tomorrow at cruise night and Antonio yelled finally god damn I don't know how long everyone be waiting but it's been too damn long and I slapped the back of his head and we arrived and made sure our guns was loaded and we put on a new set of gloves and I said you ready. Antonio said  that's a dumb ass question I'm always ready and I chuckled and got out the car and locked it and we walked towards the house. I hope my mom is ok I'm getting kinda worried about her.

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