Chapter 59

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Dulce's pov
After I talked to Rosa, I came back home and I was going to walk upstairs but I saw someone sitting outside in the backyard so I decided to go see who it was. I slide the door open and Julio turned his head and I hold my chest and sighed and said oh my god you scared me I thought you was a burglar and he chuckled while smoking a blunt and said If I was opening the door was a bad idea. I closed the door and said shut up I was just checking and I sat down and he said mhmm sure and I pushed his shoulder playfully and he said want some and I took the blunt and smoked and he said how's Rosie and I said she's good she wanted to talk to me about Daniela though. He took a hit and said what about her and I sighed and said she hasn't been taking her medicine Julio and We just went back and forth smoking the blunt until it was gone and he said no shit the other day when I was going up to the hospital to see dad she was acting like a maniac. I giggled and said why you gotta be so rude and he said it's true and you know it and we finished the blunt and I said true but still I'm serious we gotta talk to mom or but he cut me off and said or Derik. I looked at him confused and said who and he said oh you don't know and I said no Dani would've been told me and he said well Derik is her new boo and he's a cop and I scoffed and said wow such a good choice. Julio chuckled and said yea I don't know why she always pick the most stupid obvious guys to date and I laughed and said tell me about it. He said dang now I want some food and I said tacos and he said mmmm tacos let's go to that taco place down the street and I said I'll drive and he said duh. I swear every and my brother is so funny when we are high.

Myra's pov
After I got off work, I checked out and said bye to everyone and I walked to my car and my phone started ringing and I answer and said hi Jacob what do you need? I get in my car and they said this is not Jacob and I stopped what I was doing and said who is this and they said don't ask the fucking questions I'll ask them. I said ok I'm sorry just please tell me what you want and he said I want you to meet me at this address that I'm going to send you. My phone ringed and I looked at it and I said ok I'm on my way and he said make sure to come alone and hung up and I sighed and said who could this be? I start the engine and put on my seatbelt and start driving and I called Julian and he answered on the 3rd ring and said hey mom I made some beef enchiladas, Spanish rice, and some tacos and you're plate is put up. I smiled while I sob quietly and said thank you you are the best son where's Manny and he said he's upstairs he just got out the shower and now he's bout to go to sleep. I sighed in relief and said ok I'll be home soon I love you both make sure the doors is locked and the windows too and he said already did it mom and we love you more and I said ok and I hanged up. I arrive to the place and I grab my gun and put it in the band of my pants and make sure he doesn't see it and I grab my taser  too and I sighed and said god please protect me and make sure nothings happen to me or my sons. I really hope it's not who I think it is.

To be continued......
Who do y'all think it is???

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