Chapter 29

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Daniela's pov
I get off work and I drive to Rosa's so I can pick up Dana and parked in the driveway and turn off the engine and ring the doorbell. Rosa yelled the door is open and I open it and Dana smiled and said mommy and ran to me and I picked her up and spin her around and kiss all over her face. She giggled and I said I missed you baby and she said I missed you more and I laughed and I see that Rosa looks scared and I put Dana down and said Rosa what's wrong are you ok and she shook her head and said no your mom called and said you need to go to the house your dad is losing control. I said what happened and she said Julio got kicked out, Dulce is hanging out with Julian, and Enrique is gone too and I gasped and said I'll be back and she said be safe and hugged me and I smiled and said I will and her mom came in and said hey Dani but I ran past her and got in my car. I start the engine and drove off fast cause I know what our dad is capable of and I'm not letting kill anyone this is our family and he's not gonna year this family apart. I yelled go and I get in front of the car and drive faster and turned down my street and I see Julian pull up and I parked behind them and turn off my car and got out and yelled Dulce Enrique no don't go in the house. Dulce said why and I said cause but before I finish dad comes outside mad and said all 3 of you in this house now and I whimpered and walked inside with Dulce and Enrique and I noticed Julian hasn't drove away yet and he reminds me of Dana's dad stubborn but a sweetheart at the same time. Dad slammed the door and slapped Dulce hard and she screamed and fell to the ground and hold her cheek and I yelled Daniela but he said don't you dare go near cause I will do the same to you and Enrique said dad what is wrong with you this is not you let's just all talk about this. He screamed SHUT THE FUCK UP ENRIQUE YOU ALWAYS TRYING TO FIX SOMETHING and he shoot the gun in the air and I screamed and yelled Enrique go upstairs now and Dulce try to get up but he kicked her and she cried and he drink some of his whiskey and laughed and said your little boyfriend can't save you now huh and I said dad calm down you don't have to do this and he yelled THIS IS MY FUCKING HOUSE DANIELA I WILL DO WHATEVER I WANT and he kicked Dulce again and punched her and grab her by her hair and choked her. This is getting out of hand where is mom.

Julian's pov
I hear screaming and I said Manuel you go to Enrique's window and help him get out and I'll help Dulce get out too and I open the car thing and get out my gun and take it off safety and put in my sock and cover it. We get out the truck and he runs to the other side of the house and I noticed a window and I see Carlos hurting Dulce and I start to tear up cause i don't want to see my princess in pain and i open the window quietly to make sure not to make noise and I get in there and I hear Dani yelled WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO HER and Carlos screamed CAUSE SHE WONT STOP FUCKING SEEING THAT BOY and he kicked her again and punched her in the face while he drink more of his whiskey and Dulce cried and screamed more. She sees me and I mouth I'm going to help you and she mouth ok please hurry and he said you know if uncle victor was here he would be so disappointed in you that you are messing with the enemy and Dani said it's called love daddy something you haven't been showing your family and he slapped her but she pushed him and I came out and yelled Dulce go pack your stuff and Dani helps her up and they go upstairs. Carlos said well well well look who it is it's mr. superhero all the damn time and I said Carlos this is not you you are putting your family in danger you need some help and he try to slap me but I grabbed his hand and I said I wouldn't do that if I was you and he put the gun to my head.  I hear the door open and a purse dropped and and Bonita yelled Carlos stop he's just a boy but he didn't move the gun at all and he said I know what the fuck he is Bonita but he deserves to die and be in hell right along with his dad and right when he said that I slapped the gun out his hand and punched and we started fighting. Dulce came down and screamed DADDY STOP YOUR HURTING LET HIM GO PLEASE and Manuel came down and said get off my fucking brother and right when manny was gonna grab the gun Carlos beat him to it and shot me in the chest and Dulce screamed NOOOOOOOO JULIAN and she got out of Daniela's arms and bend down to me and said Julian stay with me your gonna be ok and Bonita calls 911 and Manuel said Julian stay with us ok we gonna get you some help and I was choking a little but I managed to keep my eyes open and Dulce holds my hand while manny holds the other one and I said g guys I I'm g going t to b be ok and Dulce said I know baby I know just hold on and Enrique took off his shirt and said I'm going to put this on your chest to give you pressure but I'm going to do it gently. I nod while crying and he puts on there and I winced and whimper and Dulce caress my cheek and said hey baby your fine ok it's ok and the ambulance came and so did the police and Carlos try to run but the police got him and handcuffed him and he screamed NO NO BONITA TELL THEM TO LET ME GO THEY SHOULD BE HANDCUFFING HIM NOT ME. Oh Carlos you are in for it now I'm going to make sure your life is over for good.

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