Chapter 35

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(Dulce's outfit & hair) warning; if you don't like sex scenes skip to the next chapter)
Dulce's pov
Next morning, I wake up and groan cause I realize I have school yayyy great not great I don't want people asking me "what happen to my dad", "omg You must be worried",. I get up and go do my business and rub my eyes so I can at least wake my ass up. I flush and wash my hands and walk downstairs so I can eat breakfast and my aunt Alyssa and my uncle set everything up and they said good morning sweetie and I smiled and said good morning and I kiss their cheeks and sat down and start eating my breakfast. After I finished eating, I wash off my plate and let it dry and I walk upstairs so I can get ready for school and my phone rings and it's Glow (Lola). I answered and said hey glow and she said hey red how you holding up and I said I'm ok you know I'm just worried about my dad I haven't heard from him and I finished brushing my teeth and washing my mouth. She said really that's weird I went to your house and your mom said someone bail him out but she doesn't know who and I said does Daniela know and she said yea but your mom said she left last night and didn't come back she probably looking for him or at Rosa's house. I said yea you probably right I'll call her on the way to school and I go lay out my outfit and shoes and some earrings and she said have you talk to Leticia and I said yea she called me yesterday to see if I was ok and Julio is staying at her house. Lola said oh no we gonna Expect a baby soon and I giggled and said right than my mom gonna be yelling mijo what the fuck were you thinking I thought I told you to use protection you children just don't listen and I turn on the shower and Lola laughs and said i gotta be there to watch I'll make sure to bring popcorn and I laughed and said I'll let you know the day and time and she laughed and said ok red well I'm finna do my hair and get dress I'll see you at school chica love ya and I smiled and said love you too girly and hang up. I take off my clothes and put them in the forty laundry and put on ain't my type of hype by full force and start dancing at rapping and got in the shower having a concert lol. I get out and dry off and lotion my body and put on my bra, panties, and socks and plug in the blow dryer and start blow drying my hair while I brush it. I straighten it and style it and put on mascara, lipgloss, chapstick, and do my eyebrows and I go back in my room so I can get dress and I put on my outfit and shoes and spray some deodorant on my armpits and spray some perfume on me. I head out the door and yelled bye auntie bye uncle love y'all and my uncle said love you too your aunt already left for work and I'm on my way too. I smiled and got in my car and he playfully said you better drive safe and I smirked and said I'm always safe and I started the engine and drove off. Welp better get ready for everyone feeling bad for me.

Leticia's pov
I wake up and groan and look over and see Julio sleeping with his shirt off I gotta say he is so fucking handsome like why can't he be mines already. I kissed his cheek and get up and go to the bathroom cause I have to pee badly. I flush and wash my hands and walk back to my room and Julio wasn't there and I thought he probably downstairs and I walk out my room and walk downstairs and Diego said good morning sleepyhead and dad said good morning princess and I smiled and said good morning dad good morning ugly. Julio smiles at me and said good morning and I smiled back and said good morning and grab my plate and coffee and sat down next to Julio and dad said so I have work today and I don't get off until 12 at midnight and I said what why what's wrong and he sighed and said someone is missing so we have to find them. Oh forgot to say my dad is a detective but don't worry he knows that me and Diego is in a gang he just wants us to protect each other no matter what. Diego said ooooh can I help and dad drink some of his coffee and said yeah no this is dangerous Diego and me and Julio chuckled and Diego said I'm pretty sure it ain't that bad and dad gets up and said oh it's bad and you're not going end of discussion. I wash off my plate and put it in the thing so it can dry and I walk upstairs so I can shower and I walk in my bathroom and start brushing my teeth and Julio brushes his teeth too and I smiled. I wash my mouth out and go back to my room to lay out my outfit since Julio help me pick out he really has good taste hehe and I help him pick his outfit out. I bite my lip and  blurted out do you wanna take a shower with me and gasped and put my hand over my mouth and he smirked and said are you sure. I breathed heavily and said yes  and he smirks and kissed me and I kissed back and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he whispered jump and I jump and he carries me to my bathroom and sets me on the counter and turns on the water.

(Leticia's outfit and hair)(Freaky scene)We start making out and he takes off my shirt and grabs my boobs and I moan and he starts licking and sucking my nipple while he plays with the other one

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(Leticia's outfit and hair)
(Freaky scene)
We start making out and he takes off my shirt and grabs my boobs and I moan and he starts licking and sucking my nipple while he plays with the other one. I moan loudly but not too loud and he does the same to the other one and I rub his head and moan more and he pull down my pajama pants and I pull down his boxers and he smirked at me and said are you ready? I stroke him slowly and whispered in his ear and yes daddy and we got in the shower and I was stroking him while he was rubbing my kitty and we was a moaning mess while no guidance remix by Ayzha Nyree was playing in the background. I rubbed soap on his body while he rub soap on me and I got on my knees and spit on his little friend and start sucking while looking up at him and he grabbed a handful of my hair and lean his head back. He cum in my mouth and I swallow and smirked and got up and we kissed again and he start fingering me fast and deep and I lean my head back and he went down and start licking and sucking. I cum and he kicked me clean and I smiled and we laughed and wash each other off and Julio said we should get out so you can go to school and I pout and said no I wanna stay in here and he said I wish but I gotta go handle some business and I said ok and we get out but first I teased by brushing my but on his member and winked. Best way to start off morning hehe

 Best way to start off morning hehe

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(Dulce's car ) isn't it so cute

Daddy I'm in love with a gangsta (cholo love story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum