Chapter 56

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Lola's pov
Me & Antonio get to the doctors and I signed in and sit down and wait for my name to be called. They called my name and I got up with Antonio holding my hand and we walked to his office and i sat on the bed in there and Antonio sat on one of the chairs while we wait for my doctor (dr. Miles).  He came in and said hey Lola girl it's been a while how you been and I smiled and said I been good just focusing on school how are you and he smiled and said I'm glad to hear that and I been good you know just working and spending time with my wife and my 2 beautiful children my wife is pregnant again. I smiled and said tell her I said congratulations and he smiled and said I will and who is this young man and Antonio smiled and said hi sir my name is Antonio and I said my handsome sweet boyfriend and dr. Miles smiled and said it's nice to meet you Antonio and they shook hands. He said ok let's do some bloodwork and run some tests on you and I nod my head and sigh nervously and Antonio rubbed my hand and said don't worry baby I know you will be fine. I smiled and kissed him and he kissed him back and we walked to another room so he can run some tests on me and Antonio said I love you and I smiled and said i love you more. The doctor came back and said well congratulations you are having a baby and I smiled widely and squealed and Antonio picked me up and spin me around and said we're going to be parents baby and I giggled and said I know baby. I said thank you so much dr. Miles and he smiled and said it's no problem next month on the 15th will be your first ultrasound appointment to hear the heart beat and get pictures and Antonio said thank you so much doc. He smiled and walked out and I smiled and kissed Antonio's cheek and he said come on baby let's go celebrate and I get down and we walked out holding hands and smiling. Thank you god for blessing me with this handsome young man and giving us another chance to have a baby.

Antonio's pov
We get to this Mexican restaurant that we both  love and I said you get anything you want baby today is all about you. She smiled and said and it's about you too and our baby and I smiled widely and kissed her forehead and we ordered our drinks and looked on the menu to see what we want. We ordered and Lola said thank you and I said for what and she said for always being there for me at first I thought you was just playing games but you are serious I hope. I grabbed her hand and kissed it and said Lola you are my first love, the love of my life, my wife, and baby momma these girls isn't nothing like you and I wouldn't trade you for anything  I'm in love with you and I love you so much queen. She smiled and said I love you to the moon and back and I smiled and said til eternity and we both looked at each other and said til death does us apart. Nothing or no one can't tear us apart or ruin this moment.

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