Chapter 55

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(Lola's outfit and hair)
Lola's pov
My alarm went off and I groaned and pressed the stop button and I felt nauseous so I got up and ran to my bathroom and I heard some footsteps walk into my room and my dad said Lola baby are you ok. I got up and said yea just been throwing up and he said you staying home today ok and I said dad I'll be fine and he said Lola you staying and I smiled and said ok dad and I finish brushing my teeth and washing out my mouth. He said ok I'll need to check your fever so I'll be back and my brother care in and said what's wrong little sis your face looking pale and I flipped him off and laid on bed and said I been throwing up a lot, I been hungry, my boobs are starting to hurt and he turned around with wide eyes and whispered yelled Lola are you fucking pregnant .I slapped the back of his head and said I don't fucking know Dylan I'm scared what if I am you knew what happened the first time I had a miscarriage and he got up and sat by me while I was laying down and hugged me and said hey me and dad will help you ok you can't think negative you got this you are the strongest person I know. I smiled and said thank you bro I love you and he smiled and said love you more and I said dad you can stop listening I know you there and he fell coming in and said I wasn't listening I was just looking around. I smiled and he hugged us both and said I'm proud of you both and I am proud to be a dad of both of you two I don't know what I would do without you and I smiled and said same and Dylan said me too. Welp I guess I'm having a baby but first I have to make sure i am pregnant first.

Antonio's pov
While I was sleeping and dreaming about my beautiful wife Lola, Grace fucking loud ass comes in and yelled ANOTONIO GET YO ASS UP LOLA JUST CALLED ME AND I NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL!!!! I groaned and said why are you yelling Grace do you not know what time it is and she said yes I know what time it is but do you and I said it's 7:30 you don't start until 8:35 and she said oh my god just get up. I sat up and said wait what's going on with Lola why she didn't call me?? Grace said you weren't answering and she wouldn't tell me she just said call her when you wake up and I said alright thanks sis I'll be getting ready and she said mhmm just hurry up foo and closed my door. I got up and called Lola and put her on speaker and went to the bathroom and did my business and she answered and said good morning I'm sorry if I woke you up and I finished and said good morning princess don't be sorry Grace came in yelling like she just died and came back from the dead and Lola laughs and said don't be rude to my sister. Grace yelled I heard that jackass and I said you were suppose to stupid and I start brushing my teeth and said are you ok baby what's going on and Lola sighed and said I have to go to the doctors cause I been feeling nauseous, my boobs been hurting, and I been hungry. I finish brushing my teeth and I smiled and screamed WOOHOO GRACE GRACE IM FINNA BE A DAD and Lola said wait you not mad and I said are you serious Lola no I'm not mad I'm happy, excited you might be pregnant and we are getting a second chance. Grace came running in and said did you say Lola's pregnancy and I nod my head smiling like crazy and she screamed and yelled IM GOING TO BE AN AUNTY OH MY GOD and Lola said ok ok calm down you two we don't know yet until I go to the doctors and I said well Grace what you waiting for get in the damn car so I can take you to school and go take my girl to the doctors and we run out my room and I grab my keys and we ran out the door and I locked it and unlock my car and got inside. Ima be a dad OMG IMA BE A DAD WITH THE LOVE OF MY LIFE

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