Chapter 42

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(Lola's swimsuit)
Lola's pov
After the mission, I changed into my swimsuit and drove to Antonio's house and I texted him I'm here and he texted back the door is open. I parked my car and got out and locked it and walk up to his front door and went inside and walked to the backyard and I take off my shorts and tank top and Dulce whistled and so did grace and they said damn chica you looking nice. I giggled and I walked over to Antonio and said hey and he looked up and said sup and I sat down and said what's wrong and he said why you didn't tell me that you had a fucking mission I had to hear it from Dulce. I said she was coming this way so I asked her can she I don't see what the problem is and he said your my girlfriend not her I shouldn't have to hear from my friends I should hear from you and he got in the pool and swim. Grace yelled Lola get in the pool we bout to play Marco Polo and I smiled and jumped and start swimming and we start playing. After we played that we was having fun and I jumped on Dulce's back and she fake groaned and said I'm going down and we laughed and she start swimming and I squealed and said go go go. Antonio yelled anyone hungry and Manuel said well that's a dumb question duh we haven't ate since lunch and Antonio pushed him back in the pool and we all laughed and Manuel came up and flipped him off. We got out and I sat next to red and grace and I said so how u been grace and she said I been good Manuel Antonio irritating me as usual and Manuel too. We laughed and the boys came out and said food is done and they brought it out and we started eating. Turns out Julian and Manuel ain't that bad but that don't mean me and him is friends.

Julian's pov
After we ate, me and Dulce decided to go swimming again and I came up and I said how's everything going at home and Dulce sighed and said well my dad disappeared so we don't know where's he at and I'm staying at my aunts house for a couples days cause I nerd a real from the family. I said yeah I get it you know you can always come and spend the night at my house and she said I know but I wanted to give you some space after you know my dad shot you. I nod my head and swim closer to her and said this not your fault Dulce I don't blame you and she said but I was trying to stop him and he wouldn't listen now your injured cause of me. I rubbed her cheek and I leaned in and kissed her and she kissed back and I said stop blaming yourself I am fine, still alive, and I'm here with the girl of my dreams and she adorably giggled and I smiled and we kissed again. Enrique came out running with Lola and yelled Dulce and we pulled away and she said what Enrique you ruin a good moment and he breathed heavily and said sorry but dad is in the hospital mom just called me and Dulce looked at me and said oh my god and we got out the water and I said I'll meet you there. She nodded and grabbed Enrique's hand and ran out the house with Lola and Antonio falling behind her. Even though I can't stand her father, I hope he is ok and ima be there with her.

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