Chapter 25: To Be a Canvas

Start from the beginning

"It was just a bit of ink!" I protested.

He grunted. "You have no idea how much I'd like to simply..." He trailed off, mumbling something under his breath in a low growl. No matter how I strained my ears I couldn't understand him.

I jumped when he slammed a hand down right beside my head against the wall behind me. My heart beat loudly, my body wondering why exactly I wasn't doing some kind of hopscotch to get out of here as fast as I could when we were clearly being threatened and my brain was momentarily distracted by how bizarrely handsome he looked in that moment.

"Either I draw on you, or you make a fair trade, because I can't call a teacher over this when I know that's just going to cause me more trouble that it will ever cause you." He told me, his voice some how not quite as angry as he appeared to be, but loud enough that I had to try to peak over his shoulder on tip toes to see if anyone had heard us, either from inside or from outside, but the coast seemed unfortunately clear, no one to be seen.

I looked up at him, feeling uneasy. It wasn't a big deal, all I did was get ink on his face. He was overreacting. He was supposed to be embarrassed and angry and bare it throughout the day, not confront me for it. How was I supposed to get back at anyone if they kept confronting me outright?

I groaned, rubbing my face with my hands.

He leaned down, suddenly eye level with me, which only lit a spark of annoyance in me at the fact that our height differences became so pronounced when he leaned down like this. It made me feel tiny when I was trapped like this by him.

He slammed his backpack on the sink, apparently not worried about it getting soaked or anything, and fished out a pen, removing the lid so that it skidded across the floor towards the door which I was considering making a run for.

I tensed up as he approached my face with the pen but I was ready to let him just do whatever. I'd deal with it. If it was something super embarrassing I'd just have to peal off the first layer of my skin, or wear a nun costume or something. I'm not pressed, I'm not worried.

"Don't..." I swallowed. "Don't do something crazy."

I briefly saw the wandering gaze on his face before I winced as he drew the pen close and closed my eyes but I never felt the tip of it land anywhere on my face.

Then silence, I waited, cringing, but eventually opened my eyes to see him staring at me, way closer than I expected. He looked away before I could figure out what was going through his mind.

I'm not sure why but having him that close to me and not punching me or yelling at me or... doing something, I don't know, just something... It made me nervous as hell. I felt like I was noticing everything about him when he was that close, that I had to be careful not to move or I would brush his hand accidentally or something... Just nervous for whatever reason.

He was quiet though, and looked a little distracted.


"I can't draw on your face." He said, suddenly.

He smelled nice, I wasn't sure if it was shampoo or cologne but it smelled good... Probably cologne because the smell of shampoo faded quickly but it smelled like shampoo. Fresh and clean just like Jacob.

It took me a whole moment to realise he had said something, a whole other moment to finally absorb what it was. I grinned slowly. "Okay-" I was about to continue before he interrupted.

"Because if the teachers see... They'll judge me for that, not you." He continued, looking about as annoyed as you might be having accidentally run over your own cat. 

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