Little one 💧 Loki (request)

Start from the beginning

'Look what you've done Loki!' Thor yells as he kneels beside you.

You fall to the side, right into his arms. 'Y/n?' He asks on the verge of crying.

Your shaking fingers go up to your stomach, the blood already coating them as you start to put pressure on the wound.

And then the monsters stop attacking, the flying aliens fall down to the ground, the control Loki has over those monsters vanishes. The city gets silent.

'Y/n...I-I-I didn't mean to...' Loki stutters in shock.

'Why didn't you just listen to her?!' Thor yells at his brother.

'Stop..' you choke out. 

A small smile rugs at the corner of your lips as you look at Loki. 'Thank... you...'

That could mean anything, thank you for killing me, that you for hurting me, it could be considered a sarcastic remark but Loki understands what you're trying to say.

He stopped, like you wanted him to.

'Y/n, mother can help you we just need to get back home...' Thor suddenly speaks up, his hand going up to your cheek to make you look at him.

'Y/n?' He asks hopeful, not realising that what you said to Loki was the last breath you used.

'Y/n?' He repeats, maybe you just didn't hear him?

Your body is limp, heavy in his arms even, not in the sense that you weigh more, but in the sense that he feels the guilt on top of your death.

Little does he know that death doesn't mean the same to him as it does to you.

'They laid her in the garden... given the powers she had..' Frigga tells Loki as he's locked up in his cell ever since they got back.

'How could you even look at me?, I killed your daughter..' he looks at Frigga with tears in his eyes.

He cannot believe that anyone would even look him in the eyes after he just killed the beloved princess of Asgard.

'Loki, there are many things that could be said about your sister, mortality isn't one of them, in a few days you will see... she will walk these grounds again...'

'I betrayed her.. I have her false hope...she said she saw me as a hero and I gave her the exact opposite...'

'I don't think she sees it that way... knowing y/n, she will never see you any different... sit down I would like to tell you a story...' she sits down in front of Loki in one of the chairs.

'You and your sister now that's a long story... but I will tell you small pieces to make you remember just how special you are to her...'

'Mother that's only going to up my guilt...'

'Just listen to me...' she chuckles softly at him.

'Your sister and I spend a lot of time together, not only because I am her mother but because you, Thor and your father were always away, one day she told me about her special bond with you..'

'I don't see how this has to do with anything...'

'She felt alone, different from her brothers, not because she was a girl but because she had gifts... that was until you showed her that you had gifts too... she didn't feel alone, she started looking up to you, she copied everything you did... started being less scared of what she could do... you taught her most of the things she can do without even realising it.... my point is... nothing can come in between you two, not even death...'

'I stabbed her, in the stomach and she passed because of it, how could that not come between us?'

'Tell me Loki, has she ever accidentally hurt you?'

'Yes but-'

'Have you always forgiven her for it?' She interrupts Loki.

'Yes but-'

'Then she will forgive you for this.. y/n isn't a delicate flower Loki, even though you call her little one all the time, she isn't so little anymore...and within a few days she will be walking around again...'

'How do you know?'

'Witches raised me... I don't look with just my eyes...just have faith...'

By laying you in the earth in the garden, your body can use the nurturing part of the dirt to slowly heal you back up. Frigga read this in one of the many books, so why not give it a try?

Slowly plants start to grow above where she laid you down, every day that goes by more plants grown, resulting in a large field of roses.

You slowly start to move, you wipe the earth and the dirt away from your body and you stand up, feeling the sun warm your skin.

You slowly open your eyes and you look around, all the memories from the past few days come back to you, how you tried to stop Loki from destroying Midgard, how he accidentally stabbed you, how he stopped what he was doing. How you died and came back just now.

'Y/n!' Frigga happily says and you run up to her and wrap your arms around her.

'Mother, not that I don't enjoy hugging you but-'

'He's in the dungeons... your father put him there..' she grins happily and you kiss her cheek before rushing off.

You run down the stairs leading down to the prisoncells, you rush past all the creepy prisoners until you see your brother, mindlessly tossing this cup in the air and catching it.

You sneak to the entrance and you softly open it, you close it behind you and you smile at him.

'Busy I see...' you chuckle and his head snaps towards you, his eyes going big.

'Y/n..' he quickly gets up and moves over to you.

He stops himself from hugging you though, but you on the other hand jump right in and wrap your arms around him. He hesitantly returns the favour.

'I'm so proud of you... for ending it... you're my hero...' you happily whisper.

'How?, how can you be this happy?'

'You're my brother Loki, nothing can come between that...' you reply letting go of him. 'You weren't yourself...'

'Thor didn't feel the same way...' he mutters as he looks down at his feet.

'Then I will gladly challenge him for you...'

'I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...'

'It's okay...' you wave your hand and a rose forms in your hands.

'Here...' you hand it to him and he smiles.

'It might take a while before I can get you out of here, but just remember that I will... I will always defend you.. just like you always do...'

'Thank you...' he wraps his arms around you again.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now