Madness pt. 4 💧 Steve

Start from the beginning

You're slipping through his fingers again, not that he even had a chance, he fucked it up, for good. He's lucky he even gets to sit so close to you, it's not like you can send him away in this state.

Without even realising it, a tear slides down his cheek and lands on your hand. He thinks he's hallucinating from the lack of sleep because he could've sworn your hand moved the moment the drop hit it.

He shakes the thought out of his head, his eyes beginning to close on their own, he hasn't had a decent sleep since before the big fight in Wakanda.

So he lays his head down on your thighs not even noticing that he's laying on top of you at this point. Steve's slips into his slumber.

'Steve!, STEVE PLEASE!, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!' He can hear your voice in the distance.

He can hear you scream your lungs out, he looks back to see the team gathering around you, or at least what's left of the team.

'Did you have to go back... that is more important I can go on my own-'

'No, saving the world is more important right now...'

God if only he could go back in time to change everything, he would stop it from even happening.

He shoots awake by someone running his hands through his hair, he opens his eyes to see you looking at him with a tired smile. You continue to run your fingers through his hair until he sits up a bit. 'Hey There Stevie...' you softly smile at him.

'Y/n, I'm so glad you're awake...' he groggily answers.

Your smile changes and he feels your fingers wrap around his throat, you start squeezing as your face hardens. His hand latches itself around your wrist, trying to pull it away as chocking sounds fill the room.

'Y/n..' he chokes out.

'This is all your fault, first my heart, then my leg and now this?, I'm putting an end to it all.. I'm putting an end to your life...' you snarl at him.

His eyes roll back as he slowly feels himself losing air and he goes limp.

He shoots awake, he feels someone running their finger through his hair and he flinched away. He looks at you with a shocked face.

'Y/n, you're awake...' he breaths and you give him the best nod you can. 'For how long?'

'An hour ago... I's hard to track time in here...' you reply, your throat is raw and your voice is cracking every now and then.

'I'm sorry I fell asleep...I didn't mean to..' he rubs his eyes.

'You okay?, didn't sound like you were dreaming about something nice...' you turn your head and look at him.

'It's nothing...' he waves it off.

'You gonna come closer or are you going to stay away from me?' You ask confused, a minute ago he was laying on your lap and now he's a couple feet away from you.

'You're not gonna wrap your hand around my throat are you?' He asks.

'Okay what the hell did you just dream about?, Look I might still be mad at you but a lot has vanished already believe it or not.'

'That doesn't answer my question...'

'No Steve, I won't wrap my fingers against your neck, I promise...' you roll your eyes and he scoots his chair closer again.

'I'm so sorry I wasn't there in time...'

'Not your fault, for the first time it isn't your fault I got hurt...'

He expected that one to be full of hatred and venom but  instead when he looks at you he sees a small smirk on your face.

'Very funny... you know I feel guilty...'

'You should...' you reply.

'Okay what meds are you on because last time we spoke it was pretty clear that you wanted to rip out my spine and hit me with it...' Steve frowns.

'I don't want to fight, I'm tired... I almost died and next time that comes around again I don't wanna hold grudges.. that doesn't mean that I instantly like you again but I'm not saying that chance doesn't exist somewhere in the far future...'

'If I could do it all again... I would change everything, I would come with you and this would've never happened.'

'Steve it's too late for this... just.. lets just put the Voldemort label on this, meaning that it cannot be discussed anymore.. ever... oh and by the way... I like the beard.. it really gives you that tough vibe instead of America's golden boy...' you comment and he smiles.

'I like your hair... did you do something with it?'

'Yeah were not there yet..' you comment as you try to suppress the smile.


'I was kidding... and yes I dyed're the first one to notice actually... or they all hate it and won't tell me they do...' you laugh.

The sweet sound he yearned for, for the time of you two being apart all he wanted was to hear you laugh again, the way you used to. He's not worth it and he knows, but he's happy you're willing to acknowledge his existence again.

Maybe if he ever gets the chance to go back in time, he will change what happened there, and deep down he feels like you know this too.

'So.. lets go find this purple blob and end that sucker for making his alien stab me... because that hurts believe it or not...'

'Wow I had no idea...' Steve sarcastically replies. 'Y'know I actually thought once you'd wake up you'd say "five more minutes"..'

'That does sound like something I would say..' you laugh.

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