You pick up the child as you start running to the helicarrier ready for all the survivors.

'Thank you!' The girl yells after you as you return for your suit.

That's why you do this, not because you want people to talk about you, you want to save people from the higher powers they won't be able to stop.

'Do the avengers even feel guilty about the mess they left?'

'Do the avengers know the damage they caused?'

'Do the avengers know how many casualties they caused?'

You're fuming in your seat and Tony notices it, so he places his hand on yours under the table. He grabs it and squeezes and gives you one of those reassuring smiles like the one in the car.

But this time around you won't stay quiet. You hate the reporters for one reason and one reason only, they try to blame everything on the avengers, that includes you, and you're sick of it.

So you stand up and slam your fist on the table, silencing everyone in the room. All eyes are on you. The cameras are all pointed at you.

'I'm so sorry for interrupting any of you but I am so done hearing you all ask such ridiculous questions... and I know you're just doing your job but Jesus Christ..'

'Excuse me Miss y/n-' one of them interrupts.

'No, I'm not done talking... you should grab your notebooks because I'm about to give you a piece of my mind because they try to be polite and nice but I'm way past caring...' you start.

'It seems like all you guys can ask is either if we understand what the damage is and if we know how many casualties were made, I'm sorry but we also have eyes, were literally standing on the front lines while you sit at home in front of the tv, yes we know the damage we made trying to save the world, yes we know how many people we lost trying to do so!, we're the ones laying awake at night thinking about the people we couldn't save!'

One hand goes up and you stare into the reporters soul, who immediately puts down their hand.

''So while you're laying in your nice and cozy bed, I lay awake thinking about the people that didn't make it, the people I couldn't save, you don't seem to understand that were people just like you. We have private lives, we have a brain and a conscience... every time I close my eyes, my mind brings me back to the moments in any given battle... and they might be swallowing this like good little soldiers but I won't anymore, so sue me if that's what you want but you all suck!' You end your little speech and it stays silent for one moment before literal chaos erupts in the tiny room.

You shove the chair back before exiting the room with Tony following you. Once you run around the corner he get ahold on your arm and pulls you into his arms.

You're still filled with pure rage, he can look right through you when it comes to this stuff because you're exactly the same as your mom. Speaking of casualties from the war against the aliens.

'Y/n... I need you to calm down...' Tony's calm, he knows panicking and being worried doesn' really help the case so he remains calm for your sake.

'I'm sorry... I just snapped...'

'Honestly, I'm proud of you because you said what no other team members dared to even say...'

'I just got so mad... those questions and the allegations being made, it's like they don't even see us as people while I have to deal with their shit...'

'It's alright, just next time, a heads up would be nice...'

'If you don't want any accidents to happen, you really shouldn't take me with you to these things anymore..'

'Dully noted...' he smiles. 'And hey, who knows?, maybe this will open their eyes...'

'Thanks for going after me... I would've slammed a hole in the wall...'

'Oh I know because that's what you did last time...'

You chuckle as he tightens his grip on you, holding on just a bit longer. He's unbelievably proud of you, and he goes out of his way to show it.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now