Another one, but with passion 💧 Bucky (request)

Start from the beginning

'Then why do you act like a bitch towards me?, I'm the only one you seem to dislike...'

'Because maybe I'm sick and tired of being yelled to, just for doing my goddamn job, because I'm always paired up with you, because you just ripped a bullet from my fucking shoulder so fucking harshly that it took me at least an hour to clean up all the blood I left in the bathroom....because whatever I try to do when you're there, you find me impulsive, distracting, repulsive is also one of the words you used I believe...' you sit up as you spit the words at him.

'I don't mean any of that...'

'Then why say it anyway?, why say it to Fury... why put it in an official SHIELD record?, you know... I had to deal with that type of men all my life, I need a fucking break okay?, I don't hate you... I just need a fucking break..' you fall back in the bed again, wincing out of the pain coming from your shoulder.

'All I want is for you to stop yelling at me for once...' you choke up.

Good, now this dick will also see you cry, Can this day get any worse? 

'All everybody does is yell at me all day long, Hydra did and now everyone else does it even though I was hoping it would stop..' you sob as you put your hands over your face.

'Y/n if I had known-'

'Then what?, you'd just say the things instead of yell them?'

'No...then I would think a little more before opening my mouth...' he moves over to your bed as you sit up against the headboard.

'Yeah like you'd ever be capable of that..'

The tension in the air shifts, it isn't an angry tension this time, it's something else. Something you don't recognise.

'The only reason I yell is because that's all I know... if I try to get through to people I yell...and I know I shouldn't but nobody listens to me unless I'm loud...'

'I thought you would at least understand how fucking annoying it is when you get yelled at constantly...'

'I do actually, and I was selfish, I would like to apologise for that...I feel bad for not noticing it sooner..'

You stare at him in disbelieve, in all the years you've known him, he has never apologised for anything he did or said to you.

'Are you joking because it's not fucking funny...'

'I'M NOT- I'm not joking...I'm really sorry...' he replies which is followed by a long silence again.

'Does...' he slowly starts. 'Does it hurt still?' He asks pointing at your shoulder.

You nod, the pain would've been less if it wasn't for mister dickhead ripping it out with his metal fingers, and you're about to mouth him off but the look on his face makes you swallow that sentence.

'Yeah still hurts...'

'I didn't mean to-'

'God do you ever shut up?' You launch yourself at him and you crash your lips onto his to finally shut him up.

From there, that kiss deepens, you slide underneath Bucky, trying to keep your shoulder from being pressed into the mattress but failing.

You hiss in pain when Bucky even lightly brushes his arm against it so he stops and sits back. You immediately wrap your arms around his neck as you kiss him again.

He wraps his arm around your waist as he stands up and sits back down on the edge of the bed.

'What just happened?' Bucky asks, his eyes are closed as his forehead is settled against your.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now