Get on with it 💧 Thor/ Loki (request)

Start from the beginning

'Thor she doesn't want someone like me... a monster...'

'She does!, I'm telling you brother she does want you!, she told me herself that she likes you!, and she will attend the ball tonight with the team!, it's the perfect opportunity to ask her for a dance and confess your feelings and voila!'

'Thor, she will find someone else to dance with, she won't need me...'

'You know what?, just let me handle it with the team, we will make sure that y/n will dance with you.. and then you just wait and see...'

'Please don't...' he begs Thor but of course the big man already has a whole plan to make sure his brother ends up with the woman he is destined to be with.

It's true that he has a huge crush on you, he just finds the way you become shy around others adorable, he finds your optimism fascinating, and most of all, the way you glow up when you talk about something you like.

And it's no secret to the team that you have an equally big crush on him, even if you try your best to hide it. Your stay on Asgard hasn't made it easier to hide either, Loki escorts you around as much as he can. You can't even focus on your surroundings, that's how in love you are with that man.

And tonight, the biggest ball you've ever been to, a royal ball with fancy dresses and heels and dancing, you can't even dance properly in normal shoes let alone in heels and a very huge dress.

The only dress you had was a black one, that's the only one that fits the dress code. It used to be your mothers, she made it when you were just a child, like she knew you'd need it one day, even if it was for this ball.

You stare at the little tiara standing next to it on a small table. She would've loved this. Seeing you become the hero for once, to not be blamed for every bad thing. To have fun even.

'Okay Brother, we will lead her straight to you... mother and father know of it..'

'They do what?!' He snaps back in a whisper.

'Just focus on the main goal here...' Thor whispers once the door opens revealing you.

You look around and see all the people staring at you. your breathing speeds up from it, you've never felt comfortable with so many people in one room let alone all quiet and staring at you.

Just pull yourself together y/n..

you close your eyes and take a deep breath. You pick up your dress once your eyes are open and you slowly make your way down the steps until you feel your hand gliding in someone else's. Loki's.

'You look positively radiant..' he compliments you and you smile at him.

Okay, you can do this...

Once everyone is ready, the music starts and you all start dancing. And to your surprise, you actually manage to stay on your feet.

'I hope you don't find the colour of my dress too... I don't know.. too dark? I guess?' You comment and he just smiles at you.

'I wouldn't know why it wouldn't be fit for a party like this.. the crown too, it suits you...'

'Thank you my king...' you joke and he chuckles.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now