I can't fix you - Eva x reader

Start from the beginning

Eva chuckled at your enthusiastic behavior. ''I love you too.''


Now, things weren't as carefree and happy as before. It's been six years since you've gotten with Eva, and things have been going downhill. It wasn't just your differences that clashed together, it was Eva's temper.

Whenever Eva came home from work, she would break things and scream at you about how worthless you were. You knew Eva had anger issues. When you first got into the relationship, you knew what you were getting into. She never hit you, but that didn't make her actions hurt any less. However, Eva would always apologize the next day, though tonight was the last straw when she broke your statue of an angel your grandmother gave you.

"I'm tired of you always doing this!" You shouted, tears falling. "You yell at me for no reason, you come home late drunk and break things, all because you've had a bad day. Your temper is getting out of control, Eva. I'm tired of being a doormat about this.''

''You're overreacting.'' Eva said, rolling her eyes. "Besides, that statue was gonna break anyway. You're being too sensitive about this. Can we just call it a night?''

You paced around the living room, running your hands through your hair. ''No, I'm tired of making excuses for you. What happened, Eva? I thought we'd agreed we'd talk about what bothered you instead of you taking it out on me?''

''I wasn't taking it out on you.''

''Open your eyes, Eva. You need help! I can't do this anymore.''

''Then leave! It's not like I ever cared about you!'' Eva yelled, glaring at you.

You felt your heart drop. You've heard these words many times, but that never stopped you from being hurt from it. You stood there, in the living room, not knowing how to respond.

"Did you hear me? I said leave!" Eva screamed, throwing a pillow towards you. It missed and you heard a glass break from behind you, causing you to flinch, snapping out of your trance.

You stormed to you and Eva's bedroom, locking the door from behind you. You shakily packed your things, trying to keep it together. You didn't want Eva to see you break down over her anymore.

You took a deep breath and sighed, opening the bedroom door. As you were walking, you looked at the pictures you and Eva took together that hung in the hallway. You looked down sadly, remembering every happy moment those pictures held.

When you got to your living room, you spotted Eva sitting with her arms crossed on the couch.

''I guess this is goodbye.'' You said, your voice cracking slightly.

''Whatever.'' Eva snapped, avoiding your gaze.

''I'm sorry I couldn't fix you.'' You told her, closing the door from behind you.

You got into your car, secretly hoping she'd run out of the house and stop you, apologizing for everything. You hoped she'd scoop you into her arms and tell you she'll change, showering you with kisses, telling you how much she loves you.

It was an empty hope.

After five minutes of waiting, you started the car, heading to Bridgette's and cried on the way there.

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