Mew: "I should be careful then or she will break my nose too."

Gulf laugh and said "She will not do that to you because she knew that I love you."

Mew: "What happened after?"

Gulf: "The next day I heard that they transferred to another school and Sam was never punished, until now Im still curious why the principal didn't even called Sam to his office or have her suspended for a few days."

Mew chuckled "Of course she won't get suspended its not that the principal didn't do anything its more like he can't do anything about it."

Gulf: "What do you mean Mew?"

Mew touch his face and said "How cute you're so clueless." Then he finished stood up "Do you want to come with us?"

Gulf: "Can I?"

Mew: "Ofcourse!"

Gulf: "Then call P Boss so that we can go and start early so that we still have time to go roam around but you have to call your Mom first because you promised her."

Mew: "I will call her right away after I finished work."

Someone knocked the door and they knew that its PBoss so they both went outside.

PBoss handed him a paper and said "This is your schedule today."

Mew read it "I thought I only have photoshoot today P?"

PBoss: "But that tv channel called our company for an enclusive interview and the higher ups approved it so we cant say no."

Mew: "But P you know that I already promised Gulf."

PBoss look at Gulf who kept quite the whole time and said "Gulf you understand right?"

Gulf was disappointed but he didn't voiced it out instead he just nodded his head.

PBoss: "See Gulf is fine with it."

Mew knew that Gulf is disappointed he stalked him enough to know his facial expression so he said "Tell that tv channel that I will only let them interview me for 20 mins if they demand more time then tell them that I decline."

PBoss: "But Mew"

Mew: "I don't care if the company boss gets mad P besides they didn't tell me about this if they insist then tell them that I will not renew my contract."

PBoss could no longer argue with him because he knew Mew will not change his mind so he called the tv station and explained everything when he hang up Gulf asked him "What did they say P?"

PBoss: "They said that they understand and they will comply."

Mew smiled "Good now think of were you want to go first."

Gulf: "Ive already decided I want to go to Universal studio first Mew."

After work Mew called his Mom while they're on the way to universal studios.

His Mom answered the phone immediately said "Explain"

Mew: "Its true Ma and I was planning on going there with him but She ruined everything!"

Mom: "Why didn't you tell me that you're gay Mew? Im upset that I have to hear it from someones else!"

Mew: "Im sorry and I only like him Ma"

Mom: "You're my only son Mew I want grandchildren"

Mew: "I thought you said that you're going to support me as long as Im happy Ma."

Mom: "Are you sure this is not just a phase? I heard that its common to experiment these days."

Mew: "Ma he is the one I've told about before"

Mom: "Are you happy?"

Mew: "Im very happy and contented that I finally have him Ma"

Mom: "Then introduce him to me personally Mew."

Mew: "I will Ma and don't trust Pinky"

Mom: "Why?"

Mew: "I was going to keep this from you but since she didn't listen to me I will tell you and dad."

Mom: "What do you mean Mew?"

Mew: "I remembered EVERYTHING Ma and was her who caused my accident."

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