Adopted 💧 Stony + Peter

Start from the beginning

Children in the orphanage you were stuck in we're just like him, they would tease you or call you names, let's just say they were never kind to you.

But now you're hoping to just turn that tide, so you try to talk to him as much as possible, even if you don't get a response, he can't stay like this forever right?

'Y/n, I forgot to tell you, there was a box delivered from the orphanage, it contains some stuff they thought you'd want to have here...some pictures I think and a few sketchbooks...'

'Thanks dad...' you stick the fork with food in your mouth and you can hear Peter huff.

'Peter knock it off...' Steve comments giving him a stern look.

'Why?, you guys are acting like she's your child when she's not...'

'Peter She is your sister..' Tony comments.

'She's not my sister!, she barely speaks a word of English!, it's pathetic really...' he pushes around the food at the table while locking eyes with you.

'Peter Benjamin Stark you better apologise right now or else!' Steve blows up out of anger to hear his son speak that way over a girl he has grown to love as his own.

'It's okay...I'll...I'll eat dinner later...' you slowly stand up and make your way to your own room.

You rush out just when the tears start to fall, you quickly wipe them away but they return just as fast. You can hear the stern tone in your fathers voices and you can hear Peter defending himself, you can't hear exactly what they're saying, it's too fast anyway.

You close the door behind you and you sit behind your desk, the box that the orphanage left you is placed neatly in front of you.

You need to get your mind off of it, to just stop the tears from falling. So you open the box and look at the variety of pictures and ornaments laying in the small box. But they actually end up making you cry even harder.

That is until you hear a door slam across the hall, Peters door. You hear someone walking by and knocking on his door but of course he won't open. Steve curses are muffled but you can tell he is indeed cursing at himself.

'Y/n?' There's a knock on your door and you can hear it open.

'Hey..' Tony says as he peeks around the corner. 'Are you Okay?' He asks and you give him a small nod as you wipe away the tears.

'I know I said to give it time, I'm just hoping you're willing to do that some more...'

You smile sadly as you give him another nod.

'I know this is really bad timing but your dad and I need to leave now, we're gonna be late for the think you can manage on your own for a few hours?'

'Yeah I'll be alright...and don't be too hard on's not easy getting used to someone like me..'

'Nonsense...he's just stubborn like his sure you'll manage?'

'Yeah, I think I'm just gonna go through this box and then take a nice long shower..'

'We love you...' Tony walks over to you and kisses your forehead and you let out a chuckle.

'Love you too..I'll see you tonight...oh and your food is in the fridge if you still want it...'

You're finally in the shower, going through that box was harder than you thought it would be, but you made it. 

So now you're just rinsing everything out of your hair and off of your body before turning off the shower and drying yourself off.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now