Headcannon: Nosebleeds.

Começar do início

You smirk to yourself. "Objective completed!" You say in a Cyrus voice.



Coby was shedding again.

He was very grouchy, and barely ate much at all.

Right now, you were sitting behind him with a bottle of oil in your hands. You bought it at the pet store, it helped snakes with their shedding.

Coby sat there with his arms crossed. "Just hurry up and put it on, I want to take a nap under my lamp!" He hisses.

"You're supposed to take your shirt off, Mr.PMS." You laugh.

Coby rolls his eyes and takes his shirt off, tossing it on the floor, not even caring.

"I knew that.." He scoffs.

After rubbing it on his arms, shoulders, head, and back, you had to get to his neck scales.

But, what you didn't know is that those scales were very, very, sensitive.

Coby was feeling much better, not as itchy as he was earlier this morning. He was actually relaxed, his was slumped over, typing on his phone as you finished up his back scales.

You moved his vipers to the side, they were asleep currently, and your glided one finger across his neck scales.

He made a very very awkward groan and he cupped a hand under his nose.

He quickly pulled away from you and ran to the bathroom.

You just sat there confused.

What did you do?



Horseplay happened all the time with Asher, he still acted like a puppy at times.

Tackles, hair ruffles, chew toys, pillow forts, tag, hide and seek, fetch. You name it.

You were on the floor laughing while Asher plopped himself on the pile of pillows you both stole from the others.

Asher, too, was laughing.

Why? No idea.

After the laughing fit, you both sat on the pile of pillows, just sitting in silence.

You, decided to break it. By sitting behind him and playing with his ears.

Poking them, and twirling your finger in the fluff of them.

Asher didn't seem to mind, his tail wagged a little.

You smiled and scratched behind them, making his tail wag much faster, his tongue was out like happy dog, and there was.. Blood?

You looked over his shoulder and saw that he had a nosebleed.

You just giggled and handed him a tissue from the tissue box.

Asher took it and blushed, wiping away the blood, and holding it over his nose.

His ears had folded down.

"Let's pretend that never happened, okay lass?" He asks voice almost cracking.



"Hey Fear, have you read this one yet?" You ask, hopping off the ladder.

Fear looked up from his desk, setting down his pen and closing his notebook, that had a lock.

You were sorting the top of his bookshelf, since it was spring cleaning.

Fear was grateful that you wanted to help him, he was far too short to reach the top shelf.

He walked over to you and took the thick book out of your hands. "Hmm.. I don't think I have. Thank you y/n, now I have something to read this month." He smiles.

You smile back, a little blush on your cheeks. "No problem, so, what's it about?"

He wipes the dust off the cover with his sleeve. "Hmm, it seems to be a book based off black widows and humans? Seems interesting " He opens to a random page.

His eyes widen. "Uh.. This one has pictures.."

"What's wrong with that?" You ask, trying to look into the book.

Fear's face lights up in a deep lavender as he quickly shuts the book.

A drop of blood ran down his upper 'lip' as he walked out of the room. "I'm going to ask Lockheart to burn this. Now."

He sped walked on his extra legs, running up the wall and into the hallway.

You stood there, hands on your hips, trying to process what had just happened.



Since it was hot outside, you and the guys decided to hop in the pool to cool off.

Lock didn't seemed to be fazed by the hot weather at all. He sat on a lounge chair, sunglasses over his eyes, wings tucked behind his back, drink in his hand.

He was calm, enjoying the suns rays, until you stepped outside.

You waved to him, standing in a bright red bikini, and orange flip-flops.

Lock tilted down his shades, and gawked at you until his nose started to bleed.

He quickly hid it with a wing, coughing awkwardly and even splashed his own drink in his face to cool down from that.

You just shrugged and jumped into the pool, ending up splashing him with a heap of water.

He wasn't flustered now. He was annoyed.

With this face: -_-

"Y/n.. One word. Why?" He facepalms, ending up getting blood on his hand and wrist.


Creator chan is lazy so there will be more parts. :3

Outcast oneshot book.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora