"Bucky" 💧 Steve

Start from the beginning

'How is she?' Tony asks Natasha as he looks at Steve and you.

Steve is sitting against the wall of the jet, holding your body close as it shakes and squirms, gasps and sometimes, small words, leave your mouth.

'Okay..I think..she's stable for now...'

But with every minute, the words form into a couple, and a couple turn into full sentences and what comes out makes Steve feel betrayed and lost again.

'Buck...no...don't...don't do this....you want to see...Steve again right?....you saved..him for a reason...right?' You grasp at Steve's suit but he is quick to pry your hands off of him, unable to control his own anger.

Then the magic starts making its way out of your body. The illusion stops and your eyes go back to normal.

The first thing you see is Steve's face and it brings a smile to your lips as you reach out to him. Your hand slowly makes it up his face but to your surprise he backs away from it, he takes your wrist in his hand and stops you from actually touching your face.

You now see his furrowed brows, the stone cold look in his eyes when he looks down at you.

'Steve...What's-' you ask but something I'm the expression on his face is telling you to stop talking.

'We're here...' Tony says and you swiftly get up like nothing happened.

'Steve...hey...what's going on?' You ask once the hatch opens, you grab his upper arm but he shakes you off and just starts walking back to the compound.

'Steve Wait up!' You run after him.

'Y/n just leave it okay?, just...I'm too angry to talk right now...'

'About what?' You ask.

'Oh I don't know...maybe the fact that you hid from me that Bucky was alive...or still is...I have no idea because you don't tell me...'

'Please explain to me because I don't understand...'

'You were talking while you were under the witches' spell...you kept mentioning Bucky and the fact that he could see me again...and I know for a fact that it was after Washington because according to you, he saved me...'

You stand there, silenced by Steve. You have no idea what to say to him, he's right, you lied to him but it was for his own good.

'Cat got your tongue?' He asks sarcastically when all you can give him is a blank expression.

'I wanted to wait until he was getting some of his memories back, I didn't want to have any triggers around him that would make him go all Winter Soldier again...I waited for the right time...'

'Well thank you for letting me know that my best friend is alive y/n!'

'Was...he was alive after Washington...' you avert your eyes thinking back about the moment you found him spasming on the bathroom floor.

'What do you mean was?' Steve asks stepping closer.

'Something he saw, maybe on the news or just another memory coming back...something made him want to end everything so he did...I found him on the bathroom floor, a morphine overdose and no way to save him....so thank you for making me bring that up...I just experienced that moment all over again...twice...'

'I could've had him a little longer...and you just hid that from me...while we were all cozy with each other...you're unbelievable...'

'Well I'm sorry but would you rather know that he was struggling everyday and then ended it, or did you want to keep on believing he died saving you?, because I would choose the second if that means that I never found him on that floor...'

'You should've told me...'

'And then what Steve?!, nobody could help him not even his own sister could!, I just had magic show me the mistake I made over and over and over and all you can think about is how I didn't tell you about him!'

'I could've...' He replies and you throw up your hands in defeat.

'Oh of course you could've!, mister "I can fix anything!", well I hope you're happy now!, I hope this will make you sleep better at night because that's exactly what it won't do for me, and it hasn't in years..so thank you Steve...'

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now