You're mine 💧 Bucky

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As they're fully merged into the role play game they've got going on, they still find time to wave at you. You wave back as you let out a soft chuckle.

You really had trouble with losing that baby, you cried a lot, you were heartbroken as expected. But when you'd look at the two babies in their cribs, your mind would clear itself. You would forget.

You had a boy who needed you, you had the supplies and the extra love to give him, you didn't care that he doesn't have the same skin colour, he is still your child and that is exactly the way he sees it too. He is still very young but he understands a lot more than he will let on.

'Look at them...' Bucky sighs as his arms wrap around you and he lays his chin on your shoulder.

'I know they're so cute like this...' you chuckle lacing your hands with his.

'So how was the briefing?' You ask still looking at your kids.

' always...and shouldn't they get ready for the dinner tonight?' he replies and you turn to give him a sweet kiss.

'They wanted to play outside, I'll call them inside in a minute, I'll get them want to do that?' You flutter your lashes at him. 'Just so I can get dressed in time?'

'Fine fine...' he kisses your cheek and let's go off you to collect the kids from the garden.

He opens the backdoor just as they start running around in the grass and he sneaks up behind them and picks them up.

They both squeal as he carried them inside, one over his shoulder and the other under his arm.

'Mommy!, Mommy!' Monty yells while giggling.

Meanwhile his sister, Rose is giggling uncontrollably making both you and Bucky laugh.

After a night of partying in the tower, both you and the kids are exhausted. You said you wouldn't go for very long but you ended up staying for over three hours.

The kids danced and you of course danced with them. Then you danced with Bucky while the kids tried to push you guys apart, they're at the age where every display of affection grossed them out. So instead you picked up Monty while Bucky picked up Rose.

After a while they started yawning, signalling it's time for them to go to sleep.

'We should go home...' Buck says and you nod.

You're still holding the two little kids as you walk to the exit of the large tower, Bucky holds your hand as you walk down to the car.

'I told you we would be okay...' he chuckles when you look at him.

'You did...' you smile.

'We got two kids..two wonderful and also very energetic kids...'

'You getting all sentimental on me now Barnes?' You mock him.

'Damn right...'

'Buck c'mon watch your mouth around them for once please...' you sigh as you roll your eyes, moving over to the right side of the car.

'Just like that huh?, just like that the moment is over...' he grins as he opens the door to sit down Rose in the car.

You place Monty in his car seat and you strap him in while shaking your head at Bucky.

'You know I'll remember this next time you ask me to do something..'

'Like you ever do as I say?, even the kids listen better than you...' you smirk.

'Oh really?' He closes the car door on Roses side and you do the same on Monty's.

'Bucky Barnes you are adorable when you realise that I'm right...' you smile sheepishly as you slide in the passenger seat.

'You're lucky we're married...'

'Or what?'

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora