Bet on it 💧 Steve.

Start from the beginning

'Would dancing tire you out?'

'I don't know, I guess I could find out, you want to find out with me?' He asks and you nod setting your drink down.

After a while of dancing and getting looked at weirdly by the other boys, you two end up in in his room.

You get pushed against the wall as your lips are on his. He then leans back to both breathe and ask you something. 

'Are you sure you want this?' He asks panting.

'I've loved you forever now yes I want this...' you confess.

Steve doubts his decision for split second, you love him but he doesn't share the same feelings, right?. He feels that what he's about to do is so very wrong. But he also once wants to win from Stark. Just one night, you would understand.

'You okay?' You ask when he's just staring at you, debating wether or not he should continue.

'Yeah yeah...just can't believe you would want to...' he replies before crashing his lips down on yours again.

The next morning you wake up in his bed, you grin at the memory of last night.

The memories of kissing Steve, his body on top of yours, a dream come true for you.

You open your eyes and to your surprise he isn't there. So you quickly go to your room to grab some normal clothes and you make your way to the living room.

'I guess you won Cap...fair and square...' Tony pays Steve and you frown.

'I'm never doing this again...this was one time..'

'I thought you loved her Steve?' Clint asks confused.

'Yeah as a friend...'

You decide to hide behind the wall and listen to what they're saying.

'I love her as a friend...I don't love her like..I don't know.. like I want to be together with her...this was just a bet nothing more...'

You were a bet?!

You're furious, you trusted him and you confessed that you loved him and he still went on like you are some fucking object.

'Let's make sure she never finds out...I'm going to be dead if she hears...'

Well he got that right.

You should feel angry but I'd slowly gets replaced by sadness, you feel used, disgusting. He doesn't like you in that way and still he made you believe he did for a fucking bet.

You can no longer listen to them talking about the night before, the night that seemed amazing two seconds now feels like the worst night of your life.

You cross your arms and storm away, meeting Natasha in the alley and running right past her with tears in your eyes.

'Y/n wait!, what's wrong?'

'Why don't you ask Steve?!' You yell back sobbing before going to your room and slamming the door.

After a while of sitting on your bed and fiddling with your fingers the door opens, Steve slides into your room and you give him a death glare.

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