Part 75 - What now? (End of book)

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Eirin’s POV

‘’EIRIN! PLEASE PLEASE!’’ I heard someone’s voice yell to close to me making me open my eyes immediately by the loud yell. I opened my eyes seeing Harry’s crying face over me holding my hand and Liam standing by the door.

‘’Hi again’’ I whispered smiling. ‘’E—eirin?’’ he whispered gazing up at me. ‘’I’m still here’’ I joked laughing a little and he smiled giggling. He leaned over me giving me a hug and a kiss, the kiss was a little off because we both had dried mouths.

I sat up a little in the bed feeling a lot of pain but ignoring it, Liam walked over to me giving me a hug as I laid in bed. I wrapped my arms around him tight. ‘’I’m sorry’’ he whispered sad. I looked up at him confused and I stared at him then at Harry questioning what he said. My eyes rolled down to my stomach and I lifted the little white blanket up seeing the big bandages on my stomach.

‘’Babe, I’m so sorry’’ Harry whispered holding my hand tight. ‘’What happened?’’ I asked still confused. The last thing I remember is running around in the bath room looking for… for something to take the pain away.

‘’You lost the baby, and… you… you can’t get.. pregnant anymore’’ Harry said looking down at the floor as tears fell down from his eyes. I stared up at Liam standing by my side and he nodded looking at me concerned.

‘’You got to be kidding me right.. Right?’’ I asked smiling, but seeing their faces I dropped my face on the floor realizing it. I looked to the door seeing Niall suddenly standing there his face lost, white and pale looking at me.

‘’Niall?’’ I whispered holding my hand out for him to take. He almost ran to me wrapping his hands around me as he cried into my chest as I held him. Both Harry and Liam rubbed his back to comfort him. ‘’I’m sorry… It’s all my fault.. I know how much you wanted… it’’ I whispered and he sobbed louder.

‘’No… It’s my fault.. I forced you to have it and.. I know you can’t.. but now you can’t even get more children and it all my fault.. I made you lose… i…’’ he stopped because he cried to hard and I lifted his head up kissing his cheek. ‘’The only person responsible here is me, not Harry for stopping me, Not you for doing whatever, it’s my fault. I got high as hell and I was fucking pregnant, I fell down the stairs by my own decision. It’s my fault’’ A few tears fell from my eyes as I said it realizing that I can’t give birth.. Have children..

‘’But..’’ Harry started saying but I stopped him. ‘’No but’s, no nothing… Shut up everyone.. It’s my fault okay.. So I don’t even want to hear what you have to say okay… just forget it’’ I said and Niall stood up looking at me in shock just like Liam and Harry did.

I rolled over on my side ignoring the pain and I closed my eyes not wanting to see them or hear them saying it’s their fault.. ‘’Excuse me, you can’t be in here. Please leave now’’ A nurse said and I heard them walking out and Harry gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

Small steps came closer to me and I heard it was the nurse. ‘’How are you feeling, Mrs Styles?’’ She asked turning me over so that I laid on my back again. I opened my eyes looking up at her as she stood over me. ‘’Pain is probably at 100 right now but it’s nothing I can’t handle.. I’ve been through worse’’ I said a tear falling from my eyes knowing that was the biggest lie, the pain was so much somehow my mind had shut down ignoring the real truth.

‘’I don’t believe you, so I’m going to get  you some pain medicine. We’ll be moving you to another room, and a doctor will come talk to you about something. Then in a day or two you’ll be able to go home.’’ She smiled at me, I stared up at her angry.

‘’HOW CAN YOU FUCKING SMILE, I KNOW THE DOCTOR IS GOING TO SAY I LOST MY BABY AND I CAN’T FREAKING GET PREGNANT ANYMORE… SO SPEAR ME THE FAKE PITY! I just want to leave this bloody hell hospital’’ I yelled angry and she stared at me a little afraid but then she turned around walking out.

A new nurse came in giving me medicine that made me black out immediately. I woke up my eyes blurry by the light over me. When my eyes adjusted to the light I scanned the room for people just finding flowers on the tables, cards, gift baskets, more flowers and a small blue box in front of the bed.

I tried reaching it but I was too far away and it hurts a little moving so much but I sat up putting my feet out from the bed and they touched the hard cold floor. I shivered walking slowly to the box, I opened it seeing this beautiful necklace that looked just like the one Harry gave me the first time I was on tour with them.

Under the heart necklace was a small note. ‘To my other half, I’m lucky I met you and that the management made you my agent. It’s been a long time now. Did you know that today is our 4th year together. I had never imagined the time would go this fast. For me it feels like it has only been one year. I’ll always love you, so much I want to cry sometimes. Nadia and Olivia says hello, so does the lads.’ I smiled putting the necklace on me and I opened the door seeing everyone sitting outside in a few chairs.

I lost my balance falling to the floor but Louis grabbed my immediately as he stood the closest to me. ‘’Oi there Girly Styles’’ he giggled helping me up, his hand around my waist holding me up. ‘’Hi to you to Louis’’ I smiled up at him. The other ran to me hugging me tight.

‘’How are you feeling?’’ Zayn asked the last one to give me a hug. Harry stood behind me his arms around me. I smiled at everyone appreciating this again. ‘’I’m fine actually, I’m really good. Thank you all for always coming here, I know we’re all fu* I mean freaking tired of this hospital’’ I said realizing that Nadia and Olivia was in their baby chairs so I didn’t swear.

‘’Well we’ve been through hell so I guess hospital is the nicest place but the worst for us’’ Liam said giggling. We all laughed a little. ‘’How long was I gone?’’ I said turning to Harry. ‘’It’s been two days, the nurse gave you a little too much pain relief. But trust me I yelled at her, Niall almost hit a girl, and Liam he sat there singing to you for a few hours’’ Harry smiled laughing and Liam playfully hit his arm.

‘’Has it really been four years?’’ I asked looking at everyone. ‘’Yeah.. And buddy it’s been a ride’’ Louis laughed. ‘’Oh boy.. It’s been a hell of a ride’’ Harry said locking his fingers with mine. I looked up at him smiling.

‘’What now?’’ I asked.


From Author: How can I tell you this in the right way. So after talking to a lot of you personally I have come to the decision to end this book here. It’s really been a hell of a ride for the readers that have been with me from the start. I’m so proud of you all for giving me so much, you have no idea how much you reading this have helped me.

I’m sorry to tell you that I’m ending the book here, but for the people who want’s to read more from Eirin and her life then go on and check my other book, it’s going to be a sequel to this book but in a whole other world. It’s going to be the same people, same stories but a lot has happened there. I don’t know how much it has changed but I’ll be posting on the book soon.

Thank you again everyone for this past few months. Or weeks/days for you. I have never worked so hard on anything in my life except for this book. I can’t believe it’s over 90.000 words in Microsoft word (where I write it every time before I post it), I never imagined I would get 75 parts. But you have pushed me, giving me more readers, votes and comments and somehow I kept writing but now.. The story has gotten as far as It can. I’m sorry but this is the last part, I’m not kidding, this isn’t a joke. 

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