Part 8 - Hospital

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Eirin’s POV

‘’Do you want me to leave?’’ I asked even if I didn’t really want to leave him. ‘’You’re going to the doctor tomorrow morning to get the operation.’’ Harry’s sudden words made me step back a little away from him. His eyes met mine, filled with sadness and worry. 

‘’Why?’’ I asked looking down at the floor. ‘’Because I can’t… deal with… I don’t want the person I’m falling for… You can’t die.’’ His voice cracked then I heard small sobs escaping his mouth, I saw he tried his best to hide his emotions from me.

‘’But’’ I started but he stepped forward bringing his hands around my body hugging me tight. ‘’No, I’m driving you tomorrow morning. That’s it.’’ His dark voice whispered into my hair as I held my head on his chest.

Every time I tried to say no he would kiss me, or start crying again and I couldn’t see him crying like that it broke my heart into a million pieces. A while later we went to bed but this time we slept at his apartment and not mine. We didn’t really talk much after that, he said good night and I said it back.

The air got so tick with sadness and worry that I couldn’t breathe. When he finally fell asleep I got up from the bed and walked silently to my apartment. I didn’t want him to use his money on me, I needed to do this myself. I stepped back and forth my apartment thinking about everything making my brain feel like it was going to explode.

I decided to walk back to Harry so that he wouldn’t get mad at me for leaving him. As I was about to close the door I felt so dizzy and nauseous, my balance went to none and suddenly my feet went numb making me fall right into the door slamming it closed with my body as I fell.

Right when everything went black I tried yelling for Harry but everything that came out was. ‘’I love you’’ I closed my eyes hearing someone suddenly yell then I didn’t feel anything or see anything. Just a black whole taking me away.

Harry’s POV

I heard a loud bang and my body shoot up from the bed and I saw Eirin’s lifeless body on the floor. I had never felt so much panic and I screamed for my life, for her life. As I ran over to her I got my phone on the table dialling 911, I took hear head up on my leg as I tried shacking her lifeless body.

She whispered something I didn’t really hear and she suddenly she went away. I yelled to the lady in the phone telling her that Eirin wasn’t breathing. I started crying hysterical as the women said the ambulance would be here in 5 minutes.

After the longest 5 minutes of my life trying to keep her heart beating with CPR, the paramedic came and we went to the hospital. I blacked out most of the time because I was panicking too much. I texted Liam telling him what happened and that we were at the hospital and that I really needed his support now.

I yelled a few times at some nurses asking them what happened and what was going on. 1 hour later Liam and Niall came running down the hall to where I was sitting crying. ‘’Mate, what happened? You alright?’’ Niall asked giving me a hug making me sob even more. ‘’Your fine, everything’s fine.’’ Liam whispered now giving me a hug after Niall.

‘’She… She’s dying..’’ I mumbled out sobbing, they both looked at me with wide eyes in worry. ‘’She has a tumour.. And.. that’s why she’s…’’ I tried telling the rest but my words suddenly went away and I just cried.

I fell for her hard, all our talks just talking about everything, the girl who I fell for so hard like never before could be dead. I didn’t even get to tell her how I feel. ‘’WHAT IF SHE’S DEAD’’ I angry yelled standing up hitting my hand in the wall making Liam and Niall jump up from the chair’s. ‘’IT’S ALL MY FAULT, I…’’ I screamed out as both Liam and Niall came over putting their hands on my shoulder to comfort me. 

‘’I should have done it right away when I.. It’s my fault’’ I whispered sobbing still. My eyes hurt so badly from crying from the apartment to the hospital and now here, not stopping for a minute. The lads walked me into the toilet to wash my face. And I saw in the mirror how red my entire face was, my swollen eyes and puffy cheeks. Liam and Niall looked too concerned and it only made me feel worse.

4 Hours later without getting any news on Eirin a doctor came out asking for my name. ‘’Are you the man who came with Miss. Greene?’’ He asked looking at me holding a big paper folder. I tried looking at his face for some kind of news. I nodded because my words were still lost. ‘’We have some bad news about Miss. Greene. It was a complication in her operation.’’ He started and right when he said that I fell on my knees crying. ‘’Sir.. Sir.. Listen, there was a few complications but she’s alive. She’ll be waking up in an hour if you want you can go inn alone first.’’ He said kneeling down in front of me putting his hand on my shoulder.

I got up after getting my breath again and I walked into her room telling the lads to wait. Her body looked so peaceful again, I stepped beside her pulling a chair to sit, I laid my hand on hers holding it softly afraid I would hurt her. How did all this happen, why.. ‘’It’s all my fault.. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry’’ I whispered putting my head down to kiss her hand as a silent tear fell down.

Suddenly her hand moved a little as I had my head on it holding it with both my hands. I lifted my head up to see her a little confused looking around the room. ‘’Oh god, thank you god, I love you!’’ I whispered lifting myself up to kiss her lips in happiness.

‘’Where are we?’’ She whispered her voice dry. ‘’You.. You don’t remember?’’ I asked having my forehead on her forehead. ‘’I remember I felt numb and dizzy..’’ She mumbled looking at me, looking again to see my eyes and her eyes wandered down to the rest of me taking in my awful presence.

‘’You’ve been crying?’’ Her eyes began to water like she was about to cry. ‘’It’s nothing love, just you get better again.’’ I calmly whispered leaning down to kiss her cheek. ‘’I’m sorry, this is why I didn’t want you to get attached to me. The pain your feeling, I have felt it so many times now, seeing the people I love that hurt because of me. I can’t stand it, it breaks my heart over and over.’’ I just stared at her saying those words.

‘’I love you, from that awkward day I meet you in my door. I don’t ever want to lose you again, if I do I’ll not.. I’ll slowly die of loneliness.’’ I felt a tear fall down and she stared up into my eyes as she brushed it away with her cold small fingers.

‘’I love you too’’ She whispered lifting her head a little to kiss me. 

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