Part 3 - Black out

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Eirin’s POV

Slowly waking up from the heaviest night in my life, I’m surprised and shocked to see Harry’s sleeping face right in front of me just inches away from my face. My head is on his arm and his other arm was over my waist holding my body. I slowly lifted his hand off my body as I crawled of the bed not waking him. I grabbed some of my cloths that was on the floor, I can’t remember a thing from last night and I hope that’s a good thing. I don’t even have cloths on except for my bra and panties, something I hope also is a good thing.

Shit, my head is killing me. The dry mouth and my stomach hurting is all so new to me. I’ve never had a hangover before, and I swear from this day I’ll never drink again because this sucks.

God this is all a mistake, what did I say and what did we do? I can’t even remember, it’s all a black space in my head. Walking out the bedroom and closing the door after me I went to get some pain killers and water for my dry mouth. I saw some of my glass decorations were broken into pieces on the floor, which I have no idea what happened to.

I took my pain killers I went to the bedroom to get cloths, and I saw Harry had his duvet almost on the floor so I stepped beside the bed and laid the duvet a little higher on his body so that he won’t be cold and then I took some cloths and got into the shower right outside of my bedroom.

After the shower I ignored my illness and I made breakfast for him and cleaned the place up. I sat down doing more paper works, reading e-mails from management about next week.

‘’Good morning love’’ I heard Harry’s dark morning voice behind me and I jumped a little scared and he giggled so beautiful sitting down over the small table with me. ‘’Oh god, you scared me a little. Yes good morning Styles. I made breakfast for you and thank you for helping me I guess.’’ I was a bit nervous thinking about what I might have said or did.

‘’It’s nothing, you don’t even have a hangover do you? How can that even be?’’ He asked staring up and down at me like his surprised I’ve managed all this. ‘’I’m just a hard working girl I can ignore everything when I want to, how do you know I got this job, I worked the days I felt like dying and I worked when I hadn’t slept for days. I just keep going and nothing’s going to stop me.’’ I proudly said even if I felt like throwing up thinking and smelling the breakfast he started eating in front of me.

‘’Wow, you keep surprising me how strong you are. And I’m sorry about yesterday. And.. You probably don’t remember but you said some things and I just want to say that no matter what I’m here for you. I’m so sorry for you.’’ He concerned said calmly, looking so friendly at me.

‘’I don’t know what I said to you but I don’t need your pity.’’ I stared down at the papers again trying to ignore him a little. ‘’You said the reason you left your friends, and why this job was so important for you.’’ He quickly added and I immediately looked up terrified I might have told him the truth.

‘’How much did I tell you? Did I really tell you the reason?’’ Standing up from the table I went to make myself more tea since I didn’t drink coffee. ‘’You cried into my arms so hard you didn’t get that far, I asked you if you were dying and you didn’t answer me. You aren’t dying are you?’’ His face expression is too worried and filled with pity, something I hated seeing.

‘’Just let I go’’ I snapped back angry. I heard him get up and walking over to me.  ‘’Listen here, if you’re going to work for me I need to know. I can’t look at you ever day and wonder if you’re dying. What if I fa.. I mean what If you die with me, I can’t handle that.’’ His voice raised a little making me shiver, he sounded just like my mom when I left.

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