Part 54 - WAKE UP!

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Eirin’s POV

 ‘’Harry I’m driving now.. Come on’’ I yelled sitting in the driver’s seat. ‘’I’m coming babe, I just had to let Joe and mom know when we were coming back and stuff. ‘’Let me guess… You couldn’t let the children go? Seriously Styles we’re going to be away for three days’’ I laughed at him while he sat in and I stared driving.

‘’Babe how can you not miss our beautiful twins, Olivia is so unique and Nadia is a born angel they both are’’ Harry smiled and I turned the radio on humming the songs with him giggling at me. We drove down the busy streets and I reached a cross. It looked like no cars was coming so I saw the green light and I drove over the street.

I gazed over to Harry smiling to suddenly see a car speeding faster than light right into the side Harry was on. I closed my eyes right then the lights of the car hit and I saw Harry’s eyes one last time.

I opened my eyes, everything was blurry but I shook my head and I saw Harry’s lifeless body sitting beside me with a big cut on his head. The glass from the window and the car had been thrown on him and lucky for our secured car the door had protected him, so he had only hit his head, well that is what it looks like.

‘’HARRY? OMG HARRY!’’ I yelled hearing people run from the streets to our cars in the middle of the cross over. I opened my door having a struggle and I ran over to his side, ‘’HELP ME ANYBODY, CALL 911!’’ I yelled again afraid.

A man came and he helped me open the door on Harry’s side and we both lifted his body out the door on the road and he was still lifeless. ‘’Harry please wake up, babe I can’t live without you’’ I cried out and I stroked my hand down feeling and seeing if he was breathing, if he had a heartbeat and it was scary slow.

‘’Eirin?’’ a low whisper came from Harry as I held his head up to mine. ‘’Yes yes yes I’m here! FUCKING HELL DON’T LEAVE ME NOW’’ I yelled seeing how serious this was.

‘’Babe.. I….. I don’t think I’m going to make it… I’m sorry, but something doesn’t feel right… I love you.. Please promise to let Nadia and Olivia stay with Niall as much as they want, he can be their step dad… Because they’re going to be needing a dad, and you’re going to be needing someone to hold you for a while. I love you…’’ Harry closed his eyes drifting away.

‘’NO NO, WAKE UP!’’ I hit my hand on his cheek and he opened his eyes. ‘’Don’t you dare leave me here with our children, and then tell me to move on! Harry fucking styles I just changed my name to Styles because your my soul mate! Stay alive for a while more!’’ I screamed staring at the people seeing how serious this was, I knew they knew he wasn’t going to make it.

Our car looked like it had been driven over by a million cars, I stared around seeing the person who hit us crying. I laid Harry down on my jacked and I stood up running to the man that had hit us. ‘’HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU DO THIS? YOU PIECE OF SHIT’’ I yelled hitting his face with my fist.

He fell on the ground not hitting back and I kicked, hit and the blood from my fist and his face was more than what came running down my head. ‘’STOP STOP, your killing him!’’ A man came dragging me away from the guy I was hitting.

I saw back at Harry’s lifeless body and I fell apart. The ambulance came and a police car, I just fell down. I crawled over to Harry seeing his eyes closed.. ‘’You promised’’ I whispered and the paramedic came over and the woman stared at me and I knew it… He’s dead

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