Part 31 - We did everything we could

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Eirin’s POV

‘’I’m so sorry Eirin, I was way too drunk and I said some things that I regret saying. And I remember everything, I didn’t mean to kiss Harry, he was so sweet telling me what he had planned for us and he’s really a great guy. He told me a lot about you, and it’s not his fault. I’ll leave if you want’’ Olivia said moving closer to me slowly.

‘’No I’m the one who should be sorry, i.. I don’t want you to die. I guess seeing you again was harder than I thought and then you’re dying just like I was not long ago. You don’t need to leave, we’ll watch movies just like the old days and eat cake and all kinds of junk food. Harry can leave if you want, just me and you’’ I smiled through every deep thought I had about it.

After she sat down on the couch watching a movie as I made a cake for her, I texted Harry telling him I was going to have a girls night with her and he told me he was already with Niall and Liam in his apartment having a boys night.

I laughed out loud seeing this text and Olivia turned around questioning me. ‘’Harry is having a guys night at his place just across the door.’’ I laughed lifting up the cake as she stood up walking over to me.

‘’Let’s pretend this is your birthday, happy birthday Olivia. And thank you for giving me time with you again, it’s…. pretty awesome.’’ I smiled holding up the cake as the lights lighted up us, she smiled a tear slowly falling down.

‘’This is for us, forgive, and forget the past. Let’s start all over. Tomorrow I’ll take you out shopping, and tonight we’ll just watch movies and talk girly things.’’ I said as we grabbed a cake piece each.

// Night (Going to bed)

‘’Eirin?’’ Olivia whispered as we laid down on the bed, I laid on Harry’s side because I loved remembering him here close to me. I turned to face her, us both on our sides facing each other. ‘’Yeah?’’ I whispered back taking the duvet tighter up against my body.

‘’Thank you, you’ve always been the best friend to everyone. You’re always forgiving even when you shouldn’t and you always know what to say. Harry’s a lucky guy’’ she smiled and I stared into her eyes as they filled with gratefulness and happiness.

‘’His really amazing..’’ I whispered back smiling as I thought about everything we had been through. ‘’Tell me about you two, please’’ Olivia asked and I nodded thinking about way too much to tell her. ‘’I started out being his agent and I was a really workaholic at that time, he brought me out of that stand and slowly we fell in love. I can’t explain it, at first we kind of hated each other but then we just clicked. He was with me when I was in a coma, I was with him on his tour, and when my tumor came back he still was with me through everything. He’s always there for me, even when I was pointing a gun at a guy who attacked me. I love him so much’’ I silently cried of happiness and Olivia did the same.

‘’I’m really happy for you Eirin, seriously you’re both amazing for each other.’’  Olivia sobbed a little smiling as I laughed and she laughed with me.

// Moring next day

I got up before Olivia she was sleeping really hard and now that I think about it she had slept in the same position the whole night. I took a shower, texting Harry good morning, I made breakfast and he came over eating with me.

‘’Wow, how long is she going to sleep?’’ Harry giggled softly as we sat with my counter in the kitchen eating breakfast. ‘’I forgot to wake her, we talked for so long last night about everything and I told her I would take her out for shopping today and we’re going to the zoo. I’ll go wake her now’’ I awkward laughed low kissing Harry’s cheek as I walked past him.

‘’Oliviiiiiia’’ I yelled slamming the door open. She didn’t even move so I snaked myself closer to her, I quickly grabbed her duvet ripping it off her and still she didn’t move. I thought for a second that maybe.. maybe she..

‘’OLIVIA! SERIOUSLY STOP KIDDING WITH ME’’ I yelled as I grabbed her shoulders shacking her. Her face didn’t move so I immediately scared checked her for a heartbeat and Harry ran through the door.

‘’I CAN’T FEEL HER HEART!’’ I yelled worried. ‘’MOVE!’’ Harry calmly said and I stepped back as he checked if she was breathing, he lifted up her hand checking for a heartbeat and I knew it. ‘’Call 911 babe’’ he turned around with the biggest worried face ever.

‘’WHAT? PLEASE, IS SHE BREATHING’’ I yelled crying immediately seeing his face, written all over that she was gone. He quickly took his phone up from his pants calling 911, after 5 minutes of him holding me as I cried on the floor the paramedic came inn checking her.

‘’P..p..please.. Is she…’’ I sobbed out and the paramedic suddenly hurried around with the other paramedic. ‘’What’s going on?’’ I quickly asked as they rushed out lifting her up on a board. ‘’She’s got a really low heartbeat but she may be alive’’ the paramedic said as they walked out with her.

‘’Harry!? I need to go with them’’ I stood up grabbing my things as I rushed down sitting in the ambulance. Harry texted me he was coming with the car after us. ‘’Please is she dead?’’ I asked as the ambulance drove with the sirens on.

‘’I have given her something to make the heart beat faster and I’m doing everything I can to save her’’ he said and I stared at them as they did their work.

When we arrived the hospital Olivia was rushed in to the emergency rooms were I wasn’t allowed to enter. I waited for Harry to come sit with me. Hours and hours went and we heard nothing. Suddenly the door opened and a doctor came walking out, I tried my best to read is face but I had no luck.

‘’Are you the one who followed Olivia, are you the sister?’’ the doctor asked and I stood up with Harry. ‘’Yeah, what’s going on?’’ I rose my voice tired of waiting and hearing nothing. ‘’I’m so sorry we did everything we could. Her cancer had spread everywhere, we don’t know why she hadn’t came in before. I’ll let her parents know. My condolences to you.’’ He said walking away as I froze and Harry turned me around.

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