Part 38 - Fucking some blonde girl

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Authors note:

I'm so sorry for writing this, and i can't promise anymore that it will be a happy ending. I'm sorry but sometimes people have to die. For you Nialler lovers, you'll love the next parts. For you Harry girls, i'm sorry! But there's coming some happy news for Eirin and Harry, but you won't see Harry for a few parts. Right now it's just Niall and Eirin for a while but not long. Maybe two parts then Hazza will be back.


Eirin's POV

// Two day's later

''EIRIN! I HAVE THE BEST NEWS EVER!'' I jumped as Harry slammed my apartment door open yelling. ''Oh god Styles, trying to kill me'' I stood up as he ran over to me over cheerful. ''Shh!'' he said putting his finger over my mouth shutting me up.

''First, you're going to freak out. Second we're so happy, me and the lads.'' He smiled kissing my entire face everywhere. ''What then?'' I questioned staring at him jumping up and down happy. ''What do you say to be our new agent?'' he eager asked.

''WHAT? WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?'' I uncertain asked back raising my eye brow. ''The management have been talking a lot and we need someone with us traveling around the world who can take care of us, who can tell us that to do and everything else. They came up with it because our last tour, how you took care of us and how you made us do things we didn't want to do.'' He informed me.

''What?....'' I asked again questioning him. ''Is that a yes or a no, I can't tell?'' he asked smirking at me. ''Oh.. god.. yes of course. But..'' I said and he stopped me slamming his lips on mine. ''I love you and god, now you have a job and you even have your crazy hobby. Your guitar playing. Niall says he can teach you everything on your guitar. Since it's your new hobby but I think you're job is going to keep you busy.'' He smiled kissing me again.

// Next day

Today the lads and I was going on a big party for finishing the album. A lot of famous people and other people were coming to this big house someone owned. I didn't know much except for where it was.

I told Harry that he could drink as much as he liked because it was his day, and I was driving us home after. After I talked for many hours almost the entire night with a lot of people I remembered I forgot Harry, where was he. I started looking around in the massive living room for him filled with drunk people laughing and screaming.

I saw Liam kissing his girlfriend in the corner, ''Liam have you seen Harry?'' I asked and he stared at me not answering. ''Do you know where Harry is?'' I asked a few other people around but nobody knew so I walked around the down stairs floor then I walked up stairs.

It was really dark up stairs something that was a clear sign that nobody was allowed here but I needed to check if maybe had passed out or something. Checking one room at the time down the huge hall I opened the doors slowly seeing a few people doing naughty stuff.

As I walked down to almost the last door I opened it hearing voices. Slowly I opened the door and everything was black, I turned on a little light I found in the dark beside the door and I saw someone in the bed under the duvet. ''Harry?'' I unbelieving asked and a head snapped up from the duvet and it was Harry.

Then another head snapped up beside him a blonde girl I had never seen, it looked a lot like that girl from the beginning, Emma something. He stared at me paralyzed and I cried. ''HARRY?'' I whispered and he quickly stood up and I saw his naked chest and I ran.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, running past all the pathetic faces staring at me I ran to his car and I heard someone yell my name. As I jumped in the car I saw Niall running after me, he jumped into the car just when I was about to drive away.

He slammed the door close as I drove, I ignored him asking me what's wrong as I just drove away from everyone, everything. I cried and somehow through all the pain I had been through I had never felt this heartache.

After we reached a forest away from the city, away from everyone, I jumped out the car leaving Niall in the car but he followed me. Sliding down the car falling on the road I cried my heart out screaming hitting the road under me and Niall ran to me trying to help me.

''What's going on?'' he asked worried, ''Please! What happened?'' he asked again and he kept asking me as I screamed my lungs out. ''I walked in on Harry fucking some blonde girl'' I yelled standing up ripping the ring of my finger throwing it at Niall. He leaned down getting the ring and he laid it in his jacket.

I ran down the road but Niall quickly grabbed me stopping me. ''STOP! CALM DOWN!'' He yelled in despair at me. He held me up hugging me as I cried out feeling so miserable, disgusting, crushed, humiliated, lifeless again.

Niall lifted me up carrying me to the car as he sat me in the back seat with him as he held me. I cried, I cried and I cried more. He started singing to me stroking his fingers down my arm as I laid with my head on his lap laying in the back seat while he sat.

''Everything's going to be alright, I know it doesn't feel like it now but you'll be fine. Not right now, maybe not even in a week but you'll get better, and I'll be here right with you. I'll never leave you.'' He whispered locking his one hand with mine holding tight.

''Niall.. It hurts.. It hurts so much, I can't breathe'' I whispered and he held tighter to my hand singing more calm songs to comfort me.

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