Part 70 - Writing down everything

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Eirin’s POV

I opened my eyes not seeing Niall, I was in the bed alone. I sat up looking around me, and I stood up walking out my bedroom. Niall was putting food in the fridge and he had a bag on the floor with something.

‘’Moving in already’’ I joked giggling as I walked over to him. ‘’Sorry did I wake you?’’ he asked putting away the shopping bags. ‘’No..’’ I smiled sitting down my the counter. ‘’I bought us some food and I went home to get some cloths for us.’’ He turned around smiling at me giving me a water bottle.

I drank from the bottle and I enjoyed the quiet between us. ‘’Niall, what is happening outside’’ I asked kind of worried. He looked at me then at the floor again loss of words.

‘’The media knows your gone, and it’s kind of my fault because I kept tweeting about fans helping me find you. And the media wrote a lot of things like your marriage is over, and a lot shit about the twins who’s going to take them and a lot about Harry being the bad guy. It’s just so much, it’s crazy’’ he said becoming annoyed and frustrated.

‘’Well our marriage is over…’’ I whispered looking down at my hands. He slowly laid his hand on mine to comfort me and I gazed up at him smiling. ‘’Thank you for being here for me, I know we’ve been through a lot but you’re really my best friend. ‘’ I said and he took his hands away from mine his face dropped from a smile to sad.

‘’Did I say something wrong?’’ I asked anxious. ‘’It’s nothing’’ he whispered standing up and I followed him standing up and walking in front of him. ‘’I’m not dumb it’s because I said friend..’’ I said lifting my hand on his cheek.

‘’I don’t know why I keep thinking I’ll end up with you in my arms and not Harry’s arms.’’ He stared at me and I stared back seeing his eyes fill with tears. I wrapped my hands around his waist pulling my head on his chest tight.

‘’I could have used a drink right now’’ I joked giggling and he laughed with me, we stood hugging for a few minutes just being together and enjoying it. ‘’What now?’’ he asked looking down at me. ‘’I have to get back to Nadia and Olivia’’ I said sounding more sad about it than happy.

‘’Can I come with you?’’ he asked nervous and I smiled kissing his cheek, ‘’Of course you can’’ I smiled and he smiled back at me as I stared at his crystal blue eyes that I could get lost in forever.

// Four hours later

I slowly walked up to our house and I opened the door walking inside. I could already hear Nadia and Olivia giggling and talking like normal babies and I followed their voices finding Harry at the kitchen making them food and smiling.

How come through this he smiled and was cheerful. Did he really want me to leave? I walked over and Olivia looked at me right away getting exited. ‘’Hi baby love’’ I said kissing her cheek and Harry turned to face me his face dropped not looking so happy anymore.

‘’I know you’re happy without me here so can you just promise me that I’ll get to see them when I want no matter what.. A… an.. and that they’ll never find another mom’’ I whispered my voice running away from my words as my inside broke down saying that and my body standing strong.

He looked at me questioning but not looking sad or giving me any hope that theirs hope for us. ‘’Okay’’ he whispered and the tears fell from my eyes as I turned to face Nadia and Olivia giving them kissed and hugs as I cried.

‘’Mommy will always remember you, I love you baby girls. Mommy is doing this… for dad okay.. So be strong for me’’ I said crying just seeing their happy faces not knowing what was going on. My heart was screaming not to let them go, not to let Harry get them but somehow my body was a robot now and I walked away crying.

‘’Aren’t you going to get your stuff?’’ he asked walking after me as I walked to the door again. I turned to face him my eyes blood red with the tears falling every second. ‘’Everything I have is… I got from you.. I… I can’t take it.’’ I whispered sobbing looking down at the floor not being able to look at him again.

‘’Take everything that’s your I don’t need it, I bought it for you and it’s yours now’’ he commanded not walking closer to me as I stood here vulnerable crying. I looked down at my hand and I slowly took my wedding ring off, and I took my necklace off that I got from him as a wedding gift and I laid them both down on the floor.

‘’Thank you for saving my life… for giving me a chance to live all this time.. I’m just sorry about everything..’’ I cried looking at my ring and necklace and I stood up walking out the door. I sat Niall sitting in the car waiting for me and I ran jumping in and he knew right away what happened and he stared driving away not asking me questions.

The car stopped and I kept my eyes closed everything hurting more than words can describe, a door opened and closed, yet another one opened and I was lifted up from the car seat carried inside somewhere.

// A few hours later

My head is killing me, the pain in my chest from crying and my voice being gone from not being able to breathe normal. This will be the end of me, I can’t do this anymore. I can’t.

I looked around the room and I knew I was in Niall’s room because of the awards and I looked through the drawers in the night stand looking for paper and a pen. I stared writing down everything, thanking everyone for everything and I think I sat for many hours writing a letter for everyone even Nadia and Olivia.

I folded the letters putting them nicely on the bed giving them all a kiss as I brushed away my tears. Slowly opening the door I didn’t see Niall but I heard a shower on and I took that as my time to leave, I just wish I could see him one last time.

I looked around to find his wallet because I’m going to need some money and I took some of his money and I walked out the door leaving my phone, my wallet and my cloths. How can I be here when I’m only giving pain to the people around me, they’re suffering just as me. I’m a burden and I don’t want to keep hurting them and getting hurt myself.

It’s all my fault, it’s all MY FAULT. I said over and over again having the hoodie over my head so that no one would find me or see who I was. I need to end it now, for them… They won’t miss me.

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