Part 12 - Coma for the last time

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Eirin’s POV

I grabbed my bag walking to my front door to put the bag down there, so that it was ready for tomorrow morning. I wanted to leave Harry, just let him be. He would be so much better on without me dying here.

Should I leave him? The only person left who loves me, but what if he doesn’t love me. I decided to call a taxi right now. I wrote a note to Harry asking him if he could hold onto my key to the apartment.

Slowly and silently I opened the door walking down to the taxi, when I was outside the door I ran down to the taxi throwing my bag inside. ‘’Hospital’’ I said to the taxi driver. When I got to the hospital Harry called me. I gave money to the driver and I answered the phone.

‘’Eirin where are you?’’ He yelled through the phone. ‘’Harry we can’t do this anymore, you have your job and I can’t and won’t stand in that way. I have fixed you a new agent and you’ll never have to see me again. I’m sorry but I can’t watch another person I love leave me. So this time I’m going to leave. Because I care about you, which is why I have to let you go. I love you always and forever. Thank you for everything you have done, you have made my last days the best in my life. I love you’’ I said and hand up the phone.

I turned off my phone walking inside the hospital. These past moments felt like hours and years, just staring at everyone in their own world around here at the hospital. I got my own room after one hour and I was scheduled to have the operation in four hours because the faster I had it the sooner I hopefully could get better or die in this case.

Turning on my phone to send one last text to Harry I saw he had called 28 times. It scared me that he needed to talk to me that bad. So suddenly I was sitting in my bed calling him without thinking about it, I somehow needed to hear his voice one last time. ‘’EIRIN! Thank god where are you? I just arrived the hospital I have been looking for you for hours. Please let me see you’’ He sounded so desperate and hurt.

‘’I’m in room 461, fourth floor.’’ I whispered and he hand up. After staring at the door for 10 minutes Harry appeared standing in the door frame. He ran towards me hugging me tight like he haven’t seen me for years.

Wrapping my arms around his waist feeling his warm body, feeling his arm stroke down my back, made everything immediately feel better. ‘’Don’t ever leave me like that again seriously!’’ He grabbed a chair sitting beside the bed holding my hand.

‘’I’m sorry, but when you just sat there thinking not saying anything, it scared me.. Thinking you might leave me..’’ I strongly held tight on his hand. My eyes wandered around as we both sat there silently, not knowing what will happen from now on.

‘’I’m going to stay with you the entire time, I’ll never leave’’ He whispered leaning in to kiss my forehead then looking deeply into my eyes.

// Few hours later

‘’Miss. Greene, are you ready?’’ A nurse came in my room as I cuddled on Harry’s chest. I nodded and I walked with her away from Harry. He followed me even when I said no. Holding my hand to the nurse said he couldn’t follow me anymore. ‘’I love you remember that.’’ I whispered kissing his soft lips then hugging him tight.

‘’I love you more’’ Harry faked a smile as I walked away from him behind the closed doors. I turned around one last time to see a tear fall down his cheek. I shouldn’t have turned around, this hurts somehow more now than before.

// 9 Hours later

Harry’s POV

‘’Sir? Sir?’’ A doctor woke me up as I sat waiting inside Eirin’s room. ‘’What happened? Is something wrong?’’ I raised from the seat immediately in horror. ‘’I’m sorry but we did everything we could.’’ He’s sad face told me that she maybe died but his cheerful words said something else, seriously people at the hospital confuse me so much.

‘’What do you fucking mean? IS SHE DEAD?’’ I yelled angry not being able to control myself. ‘’It doesn’t look very good, she’s in recovery and.’’ I stopped him before he could say anything else. ‘’I want to see her! NOW!’’ I yelled still angry but mostly scared.

When I got to her room and saw her lifeless body there with a big white bandage around her head and her body rolled in hospital stuff. ‘’She’s in a coma sir. I’m very sorry’’ He said laying his hand on my shoulder as I cried out not breathing of the sudden shock. How does it feel to lose something you thought you would have with you forever? Well, dying seems like the best option now.k.

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