Part 9 - KILL YOU

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Eirin’s POV

A few days later I and Harry were home again, he had been so amazing being with me the entire time not leaving me alone for a minute. He followed me everywhere and he had slept over at the hospital the entire time.

Now we were home, or shall I say my apartment. ‘’Eirin do you need something? I was thinking about inviting the boys over for dinner. They were so supportive, and they were with me almost every day. Only if it’s ok with you’’ Harry asked putting down my bag and the food we bought at the store before we drove here.

‘’It’s fine, I want to thank them to. And I think you also need a little break from me, you have been with me every day every second and I’m grateful but I can see it in your eyes that you’re tired. It’s fine if you want to go out with the boys or something.’’ I said stepping into my bedroom with my bag.

‘’Are you crazy? I’m never tired, I have spent my days with you. Only thing I was tired of is the hospital.’’ He laughed putting food in the fridge as I walked back into the living room. ‘’So are you going to make the food or should we order in?’’ I asked walking closer to him just watching him, appreciating his looks. The way his hair falls, the way his arms move. Why does it feel like I’m addicted to him, but his like a drug. My drug.

‘’I’m going to make dinner, thinking about pasta and sauce with meatballs.’’ I laughed at him saying his going to make food, I can’t remember what that tasted like, and I’ve been eating hospital good so much now. Even if it’s just for a week it feels like months. ‘’Sounds perfect, can I help?’’ I asked wrapping my arms around Harry making him jump a little.

‘’Don’t sneak up on me, I never know it it’s a crazy fan or a murderer’’ He turned around to look me into my eyes, they suddenly went really worried and sad. ‘’Thank god you didn’t die, i… would be lost without you.’’ He whispered kissing my lips softly. ‘’And no you can’t help’’ He said after the kiss smirking like a kid.

‘’Well, I guess I’m the best agent for you Styles. And If I can’t help then I’ll at least call the boys asking them over.’’ I giggled walking over to his phone. I had seen what his code was to his phone so I grabbed it and walked a little away from the kitchen since he turned the radio on singing loud the songs that came on.  Harry made to much noise making food. I giggled turning back just for a second watching him dance around the kitchen singing.

I found Niall’s number and called it. ‘’HAZZA! I MISSED YOU BRO!’’ Niall suddenly yelled as he picked up the phone. ‘’OH GOD NIALL, planning on making me deaf.’’ I yelled back joking. ‘’Oi, hi Eirin. Lovely to hear from you, I heard you got out from the hospital.’’ He said sounding cheerful. I really love how caring Niall is, but at the same time he’s so strong for others. He’ll never break down in front of others, just like me.

‘’Yeah.. Harry’s making food.. A lot of pasta and meatballs and I know you like food. So do you want to come over? And call the rest of boys to join?’’ I heard some noises like he’s running around suddenly very excited, ‘’YES! When?’’ He raised his voice of excitement.

‘’Now? Or an hour?’’ I didn’t really know how much time Harry needed to make the food and also I wanted to get to know the lads more. ‘’Okay, coming now. I’ll grab the boys with me. Your apartment or Harrys?’’ He asked slowing his voice down from all the excitement, I giggled taking the phone away as I did.

‘’Mine and the door is open.’’ I smiled but then I remembered he couldn’t see it. ‘’Great talk to you soon’’ He said and hang up before I could say it back.

Harry had 16 new text he hadn’t opened yet. I opened his inbox and I saw a girl’s name. Her name was Teresa Rose, Where had I seen that name before. I opened not knowing what I would see. -Why aren’t you calling back? –Are you with that girl from the photos? – You cheating? –Harry I love you, I miss you, call me back. –Harry call me please!

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