Part 19 - Surprise

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Eirin's POV

//Four months later

After the first concert i struggled a bit with the pain in my head but I got medicine and everything went really good. Nobody found out I was Harry's girlfriend and we kept it normally. Being with the lads every day almost every second I found myself more and more happy. Niall had even said in an interview that he thought of me like his sister.

Nick, Harry's agent was with us almost every day to keep up with him and I didn't mind it. I loved being with the lads and especially Niall, I don't know why I feel like his my best friend because all the lads have been amazing to me.

Niall just more down to earth, his laugh is what made me like him from the start. We always laugh our ass of watching vine videos and his like my girlfriend here on tour. I can tell him everything, something I can with Harry to, but Niall's more understanding and doesn't take things to serious.

Reporters and magazines didn't think I was any of the guy's girlfriend because I was together with every boy. When we went out to eat at a restaurant or go out to have fun I didn't act like Harry was my boyfriend, we acted like we we're all best friends something we were.

Me and Harry had agreed to keep it just friends out with people but with the lads and people who work with the tour we could act like a couple. We both knew that people close to us wouldn't say anything to the press and they didn't.

My pain eventually disappeared and I couldn't be more happy. I never had a fight with Harry except for over food, or me being with Niall too much. Nothing bad happened the last four months, just amazing things. I laughed a few times over the media telling lies in the magazines about Harry being together with all kinds of different girls but if they only knew I was the only one.

Zayn, Liam, and Louis had their girlfriends, and Harry had me. I felt sorry for Niall being the only one who's single here. But I always were with him when Harry had other things to do. We spent every day with each other and still we weren't tired of each other something I'm glad for.

Our sex life in other hand is something else, we had been really busy even though he was having concerts and interviews. We had 10 minutes sex times after every concert, and sometimes we rented a car driving to a hotel for the night to stay over just us.

The lads didn't mind because they normally did the same with their girlfriends, I got to know them a little but not that much because they just flew to the concerts a few times to see them then they left a day after.

Yesterday was the last day of tour, now they have a couple weeks of break and free time but we haven't decided if any of us is going back to London. I still have my apartment right over Harry's because he surprised me that he had paid for over a year's rent so that I could go back anytime.

''So? What now?'' I asked Harry as we sat in the car driving to our hotel. We moved out of the tour bus this morning and now we're all going to stay at a hotel for a two night to have a party and relax. I stared at Harry sitting beside me on the right and Niall on the left.

He smiled at me really suspiciously and I gazed over to Niall seeing him smile even bigger both hiding something from me. ''What's going on, you're both hiding something from me'' I annoyed pushed Harry's hand away from my thigh.

''We may or may not have a surprise for you that we're leaving for right now'' Harry smiled at me giggling. ''Oh god what have you planned?'' I knew he had planned something awful because he and Niall were laughing too much.

''I'll tell you something and you have to find it out'' Harry smiled. ''In something big, we lay, five guys and one girl, with some other people a little away. Nature calls and flowers grows, we sleep, under the big blue sky, night falls and we make the light in the middle. Having the best time of our lives'' He smiled and Niall hit his arm in Harry's feet.

''God you totally told her everything now, she's not stupid.'' Niall said annoyed. ''Fuck we're going camping? Just us? I haven't packed anything, seriously Styles!'' I rose my voice thinking about everything I needed, I'm a planner I need to plan everything and have with me everything.

''Our big boys have planned everything, they're taking with everything we need. And remember we went buying new cloths to you and me to have in the nature. Well this is for that. Even if I have skinny jeans and a red shirt on now. Niall only have a white top on so you're good to go babe''' Harry smiled stroking his hand down my hand intertwining our hands.


Authors note: Sorry it's short but it's really late here and i have written three parts today. But i just wanted to say if you guys keep reading, even if it's just one, or ten or 100 i'll keep writing. Even if there's only one or two votes. I'll keep writing. If you have any story tip, or something you want or don't want to happen just comment and i'll see it. I'm always happy to read what you have to say. So thank you for reading, even if it's just you or many more. I love you, it makes me really happy seeing people read this. So thank you! I dedicate this for you and everyone who reads and votes. Your amazing!

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