Part 30 - Kiss my fiance

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Eirin's POV

After one hour of drinking with the boys, Zayn and Liam fell asleep on the couch and Louis went home because his girlfriend was coming over, leaving only me and Niall awake. Harry was till with Olivia somehow making me nervous and jealous.

''I'm just going to check up on them'' I said to Niall standing up and he mumbled something I didn't hear. Walking over to my door slowly opening it to see something awful, my biggest nightmare.

''WHAT'S GOING ON?'' I yelled as I saw Olivia's hand on Harry's chest as she had leaned in and kissed him. ''I FUCKING WALK IN HERE TO YOU TWO KISSING!'' I yelled again and I flipped out. ''Babe, it was nothing'' Harry said quickly standing up running to me. ''I kissed him! Because his way too hot for you!'' Olivia yelled.

I stopped Harry pushing him back as I stepped forward to the end of the bed staring angry at Olivia as she laid there smiling. ''What the fuck, do you think you can just kiss my fiance and get away from it, LET ME TELL YOU, JUST BECAUSE YOUR DYING AND DRUNK IT DOSEN'T MEAN YOU CAN BE A SLUT ON MY FUCKING FIANCE!'' I yelled from the top of my lungs.

''Just shut up Eirin, you told me to have fun and I did. You left me alone here with him, and I'm dying yes so get over it. It was just a kiss nothing else, I hoped it would end with something else but you came in and interrupted everything.'' She laughed fake sounding like a girl from the mean girls movie.

''How dare you talk to me like that after everything we did for you tonight. You left me when I was dying and still I let you inn here when you're dying. Serious I can't believe this Olivia, how could you. You yet again hurt me, and I don't want you here. You can leave in the morning, when you sober up. Because I'm leaving'' A tear fell silently from my eyes as I stepped past Harry as he tried to stop me.

''Niall I had a great time, hope you did to. I'll talk to you later'' I said quickly getting Harry's car keys and my phone. ''Wait you're drunk you can't drive'' Niall said running after me. I slammed the door shut before he could say anything more.

I forgot to take money with me so I couldn't call a taxi or get a hotel, and I'm hell not going back there. So I walked to Harry's car getting in the backseat finding a blanket as I slowly fell asleep.

Harry's POV

''How could you say something like that Olivia?'' I tried not rising my voice thinking about where Eirin went this late. ''Oh calm down, you're getting married she'll get over this. She always forgives people even after the worst things.'' She laughed slowly falling asleep.

''You'll leave in the morning, I'm sorry but that's what she wants'' I informed Olivia and she mumbled something as I walked out seeing a frustrated Niall, and Liam and Zayn passed out on the couch cuddled up.

''What's going on?'' Niall asked rising his voice at me. ''Calm down Nialler, just girl problems. And drunk problems. I'll go find Eirin she's probably in my car. Just sleep on the couch and don't you dare go into the bedroom mate'' I said as I got my jacked and my phone, and my wallet.

Just as I thought Eirin had fallen asleep in the car without freaking locking it. I slowly opened the back seat door, I lifted her head up as I sat myself in and laid her on top of me. She was so drunk that she didn't even notice me moving her so much.

// Few hours later

Eirin's POV

I felt some strong arms around my body holding me tight, I heard small breathing sounds and a warmness under my chest. Opening my eyes slowly I sat Harry's peaceful sleeping face under me. I sat up trying not to wake him as I looked at my phone in the front seat. I had a text from Niall saying that something happened to Olivia.

I remembered everything from last night and I immediately sat up. I got out from the car and I saw Harry sit up as I ran inside to my apartment again.

As I opened the door I searched the room for people to see Liam and Olivia alone. Their faces snapped to me and Olivia was crying while Liam looked concerned at me. I marched into the kitchen to make myself some food even if I didn't want to eat.

''Eirin we need to talk'' Liam walked up to me and I turned around as he stared down on the floor. I sat down with the counter and he sat beside me as he turned me to face him.

''No.. I don't want to know. I tried.. I was a friend and she broke everything'' my eyes begain to water and Liam lifted his hand up to my cheek softly brushing his thumb down my cheek. ((*see gif picture*))

I felt disgusted, hate, stupid, annoyed, everything just because of her. ''She has cancer love, you need to forgive her. She woke up cleaned the whole apartment and made us all food before everyone left. She doesn't deserve this and so do you'' Liam kissed my cheek friendly as he stood up taking his jacket and stuff leaving.

''I'll talk to you later, So nice to meet you Olivia. Hope to see you again soon'' Liam said closing the door leaving us alone...

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