Part 26 - Biggest question in your life

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Eirin’s POV

‘’Eirin! I’m going to break down the door, please tell me you’re alive!’’ I heard Niall yell as I woke up and the music had stopped. I looked at the time on my phone seeing I had slept for five hours. I got up seeing my entire face puffy, sore red.

I wonder how long Niall had been staying here, if he had been here the whole time. I stepped over to the door opening it seeing Niall scared and worried. ‘’I’m fine, I just fell asleep’’ I whispered my throat dry and cracking my words.

‘’You’re not fine, look at yourself. You’ve been crying nonstop for the last few hours. Harry told me everything after I kicked down his door. You totally got everything wrong. The wo’’ I stopped Niall pushing past him walking into my kitchen.

‘’No, I can’t hear him having a woman there again.. I can’t.. It’s fine, he’s tired of me and I guess he had to get a slut’’ I yelled angry tired of crying.

‘’IT’S HIS MOTHER!’’ Niall yelled frustrated at me. I quickly turned around as I stared at him in shock. Oh god, this can’t be happening. ‘’I.. DIDN’T KNOW’’ I yelled back.

‘’Yeah I know, I almost called the police when I couldn’t kick down the door. I yelled hundreds of times that you had it all wrong… Seriously..’’ Niall annoyed said throwing his hands up in the air.

‘’Harry didn’t feel so well when we got home and he called his mom right away and she came because she was already in London.’’ He explained and I sat down on the couch totally giving up.

‘’I’ll go get him if you want, he’s really frustrated that you didn’t let him explain’’ Niall smiled at me comforting me. ‘’No, I’ll go freshen up a little, I’ll talk to him later. Do you want to stay over tonight or?’’ I asked and he smiled happy. ‘’Yeah, we can watch more The vampire diaries and I swear I’m not falling asleep again.’’ I laughed walking into my bathroom putting on a little foundation hiding my red cheeks.

I used a little more time than I thought I would, I guess I kept thinking about everything. Walking out the bathroom door I saw more people than just Niall on the couch. ‘’Hi, I kind of invited some more people and I have ordered some Chinese food.’’ Niall smiled as he stood up.

Walking over an older woman with brown long a little curly hair stood up and Harry stood up beside her. He smiled at me still a glimpse of nervous. ‘’Hi, you must be Eirin. I’m Anne, Harry’s mom.’’ She smiled bright at me stepping forward giving me an unexpected hug.

‘’Hello. Nice to meet you, sorry I ran off earlier.’’ I excused myself sitting down beside Niall on the couch over the table as she and Harry sat on the other side of the table. ‘’Yes, Harry told me you didn’t feel very well. I hope you’re better now dear’’ She smiled and I gazed awkward over at Harry who smiled at me softly.

‘’Yeah, i.. yes I’m fine’’ I didn’t really know what I was going to say so I stared down at the table between us awkward. I’m normally not the person to be like this, crying all the time, getting awkward.

‘’Eirin can I talk to you’’ Harry asked smiling standing up, I stood up as we walked into my bedroom leaving Niall and Anne talk together. Niall started talking about him waiting for the food.

‘’Look I’m really sorry, I guess you thought I had been cheating with some girl after what Niall told me. I’m sorry, we both tried knocking on your door but you fell asleep since the crying sounds stopped. I’m so sorry babe, I should have ran after you. After what I said in USA, I told mom everything and she said that I need to see it from your prospection. It may have sounded like I wanted to take a break apart from you but what I wanted was us to spend one night at my place then the other night at yours. I’m not tired of you just because we spent all this time with each other on tour. I loved every second and being without you the last 10 hours I have missed you more than I could ever imagine. I can’t spend another minute away from you, it hurts. I love you so much it hurts being away from you’’ Harry slowly stepped forward taking both my hands in his.

‘’There’s something I have wanted to tell you for a long time. I love you, I love you more than anything. And I want to spend every second of every 100 year from now with you. We’ll get 10 children and adopt the rest having a farm with children just like you want. I’ll do everything for you even be your slave. I know this really isn’t the perfect time and I had planned on taking us to Hawaii to ask you this then but I can’t wait. Eirin Winter Greene will you marry me and make me the most happiest, luckiest man alive?’’ Harry kneeled down on one knee finding a small blue box opening it and I saw a ring.

Immediately I started crying, this can’t be happening can it. I lost my balance in shock stepping over to sit at the end of my bed. ‘’Harry.. Are you doing this because you want to or because you think I want to… Because I don’t… I mean I want you to feel the right time, then propose to me. I want YOU to feel the right time is then do it not now because I’m freaking out and it feels like we’re losing each other.’’ I whispered as my eyes began to water again.

He stared at me sad standing up sitting beside me on the bed. ‘’I don’t know, I guess I didn’t want to lose you but I do want to marry you’’ he said staring down at the box. ‘’But you didn’t want to marry me now. We’re both so young, we never know what will happen tomorrow’’ I stood up speeding back and forth the room.

‘’But what does it matter if I ask you now and in 10 years. I want to spend my life with you and I’ll have the same feelings now then in 50 years. Do you even want this, you’re the one telling me about it all the time’’ He rose his voice getting angry.

‘’What, don’t rise your voice at me. I have wanted to marry you for a long time but imagine what all the others will say. The fans, the media. I’ll be the woman who tries to steal everything from you. I don’t even want your money or your fame’’ I angry rose my voice at him making him stand up.

‘’Stop, just stop. I asked you to marry me and I guess your answer is no. It’s perfectly fine’’ He said shuffling over to my door. ‘’No you stop, let me talk. Please’’ I whispered and he turned around worried.

‘’Yes, yes I want to marry you and if you ask me in 40 years again I’ll say yes again. Because I love you, but remember if I ever die.’’ I started and he stopped me running towards me kissing my lips passionately lifting me up from the floor wrapping his hands around me right squeezing me.

‘’Guys the foods here’’ I heard Niall yell from the living room. Harry kneeled down again as I giggled and he took the ring on my finger. He stood up quickly kissing me a few times as we walked happy out the door to the others.

I sat down between Niall again smiling trying not to stare down at the ring, Harry chuckled softly making the others suspiciously think something was going on. ‘’Did you guys make up now or?’’ Niall laughed bumping his arm into mine.

‘’Let’s eat’’ Harry quickly said and his mom smiled at me as water came in her eyes. Her face filled with happiness as she slowly gazed down at my hand between my legs hiding the ring.

I stared down at my hands then on her and she nodded like she was giving me the look of yes, almost like she was just as happy as I am.

‘’Eirin take your food’’ Niall said pointing to the table where the food was. I didn’t want to take my hand out again showing my ring off so I just stared at the food.

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