Part 44 - Is our baby fine?

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Eirin’s POV

‘’That was… something’’ Harry whispered brushing hair away from my face as he fell down on the bed beside me pulling the duvet over our naked bodies. Staring into his crystal eyes I found myself getting lost but at the time finding myself again.

‘’What are you thinking about?’’ He whispered stroking his hand up and down my chest between my breasts. ‘’I’m.. I’m… Harry there is something I need to tell you, something… The doctor told me when he said I was pregnant.. I just didn’t think about it till now and.. i.. it’s my fault’’ I whispered starting to cry my pregnancy emotional feelings going overboard.

‘’What are you talking about? Is our baby fine? God is the baby mine?’’ he raised his voice getting anxious. I sat up getting a few cloths as I walked to the bathroom taking a quick shower. I’m happy Harry didn’t push the questions because it hurt me thinking about it, if it was true or not.

I don’t know if I can say it to him, the way his face stared at me knowing his.. Our child is inside me growing. How can I take away his happiness, it will be like I’m sucking out the life of him. After my shower I went to make myself some tea.

‘’I need to know, I have the right to know’’ Harry’s voice sneaked up at me and I jumped a little. ‘’It’s nothing, really I don’t know why I told you it like it was something bad. Everything’s fine’’ I said getting my jacket and bag.

‘’What? Are we seriously going to argue about this. It’s my baby to, you can’t hide anything from me.’’ He rose his voice following me. I grabbed my shoes taking them on and I opened the door going out.

‘’Wait, I’m coming with you.’’ He said running after me while I walked to his car. I sat inside the driver’s seat and he got in beside me. ‘’We really need to get you a car, you can’t borrow my car all the time’’ he said giggling.

I started driving down the street not saying a word to Harry and just watching the road. ‘’Are you planning on driving with me? It’s going to be a long drive’’ I said annoyed. ‘’Where are you even going?’’ he asked calmer than me.

‘’I’m driving out of London to a house…’’ I paused not saying who’s house it was. ‘’A house? Who’s?’’ Harry asked confused. ‘’A friend, and his not there. I.. I mean we.. We’ll be alone’’ I said driving a little faster.

// Three hours later

We haven’t talked to each other for a while, just small talks about the weather and what car he wants to buy me. I drove up the small road to the house in the middle of the trees, I smiled thinking I finally was out here. A long way from London, away from everyone. I’m happy I can breath.

I parked the car in front of the house then getting my bag I had in the car trunk from last trip I was on. Looking around all the forest, all the nature I felt relieved. I took a big heavy breath staring into the forest.

‘’Do you have the key?’’ a voice snapped me back from my deep thoughts. I turned around walking up to the door and I took the key out from my jacket. ‘’You’re not talking to me now… Are you?’’ Harry asked as I stepped inside.

Ignoring Harry I walked up finding the big bedroom leaving my bag on the bed and I walked back down not finding Harry. I walked out not seeing the car and suddenly it hit me. He left me here alone, and I thought maybe if I ignored him he would fight for me a little. I was only joking.

‘’Harry? Harry?’’ I yelled standing in the front door, I repeated it a few times and I slammed the door shut starting to cry because I was suddenly alone here. ‘’Fuck fuck! Fuck!’’ I yelled throwing the flower vase by the door right into the wall.

I sat down in the middle of the floor crying, sobbing not feeling the pain much but just crying because I was scared. ‘’WHAT’S GOING ON EIRIN!’’ A voice yelled, and I heard running towards me faster then lightning.

‘’Harry? Are you really here?’’ I asked lifting my head up seeing him kneel down to my level. ‘’Of course I am, what did you do?’’ he worried asked putting his hand on my cheek. ‘’I didn’t see the car and I yelled for you… I thought you left me here alone.. I got so scared’’ I sobbed out and he brushed the tears away chuckling.

‘’I parked the car in the garage and I was just walking around the house trying to find food.’’ He laughed at me and I laughed with him as he helped me up from the floor. ‘’Let’s make some food’’ he laughed hysterical as we walked to the kitchen.

‘’Eirin we need to talk about what’s going on with our baby. Please tell me what’s going on, what can’t you tell me?’’ Harry asked staring into my eyes and my heart jumped a beat, my eyes burning. 

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