Part 49 - Bleeding

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One short chapter filled with drama, i wrote this because i'm so happy for reaching 2k readers. Thank you all, i'm really crying now! I'm so happy! Hope you like this part and part 50 and 51 is coming tomorrow because i'm so happy for us all reaching 2k! YOUR ALL MY FAMILY! Lol, seriously love you all! 


Eirin’s POV

‘’Of course I want you to stay here with me but can we really get through this?’’ He asked and I smiled at him. ‘’With the strength of our family here in this bus, we’ll get through everything’’ I said loud turning to the others smiling.

// Five months later

In just a few minutes the boys will be running of the stage happy and relieved about this being the last concert of the tour. The last five months have been hard because I’ve been morning sick a lot and eating almost all the food around the house.

Also I deleted my twitter account so make Harry less worried and it helped. I didn’t read the hate and I totally forgot about it. We went out traveling on trips and I bought a lot of baby cloths. Liam helped me so many times buying boy baby cloths.

I felt so tired right now so I closed my eyes for just a minute. Suddenly being lifted up bridal style I opened my eyes to see Liam carrying me. ‘’Where are we going?’’ I asked and he smiled down at me and I remembered. ‘’Oh jesus I’m heavy Liam, I’m super fat and heavy put me down before you break something’’ I moved away from his grip and he slowly sat me down.

‘’Your pregnant and having your children in one or two weeks, you’re having twins. I’m the one who’s fat here’’ We both laughed and we walked out to the car driving us to the airport.

‘’Wait.. it’s three cars.. Who’s driving the last one?’’ I asked confused seeing everyone spilt on the two cars but the last one without anyone. ‘’I’ll be driving us’’ Liam smiled at me.

We drove past the small forest out from the place the arena was and suddenly a deer ran over the road and I yelled out Liam tried driving past it but the car went out of order and it flew over on the roof.

Everyone went blurry but I tried my best looking around seeing what just happened. ‘’LIAM!? LIAM!’’ I yelled but it came like whispers and I looked at Liam’s side not seeing him there. The door had been ripped off the car and both Liam and the door was gone.

I heard a flaming sound and immediately I smelled smoke and the redness of the flame in front of me became stronger. The front window the only thing protecting me from the flames. ‘’HELP!’’ I yelled my voice cracking.

A fast care came and I heard the doors slam open and running sound towards me and people yelling. ‘’EIRIN! LIAM! OH GOD LIAM!’’ Someone yelled and I cried out feeling the blood fall from my head. ‘’EIRIN!’’ Louis yelled trying to open my door but it was stuck. ‘’You need to get out, get out!’’ he continued yelling at me. He ran to the other side of the car where Liam sat with the driver’s seat and he crawled inside finding a glass piece to cut the seatbelt off me.

I fell on my head and Louis dragged me out the car. My eyes stared around seeing Liam’s lifeless body a couple meters away from us and everyone was standing around him yelling and I knew it. ‘’Liam!’’ I yelled on top of my lungs.

‘’His fine, stay with me’’ Louis tried comforting me and I sat up against something. The car was in burning flames now and I stared at it going crazy. ‘’Ha…rry’’ I whispered. ‘’His here.. HARRY! HARRY HELP!’’ Louis yelled and I heard how much he was freaking out.

Harry ran towards me from the distance and i felt something I had never felt before. My life running past my eyes, sitting here with the blood falling from my head I stared down at my big pregnant stomach.

‘’Harry….. I’m bleeding’’ I whispered as Harry’s worried lost face stared at me. ‘’ I know your head.. Relax babe’’ he said and I shook my head. ‘’No.. no.. I’m bleeding…here’’ I whispered lifting my hand up from under my stomach seeing my hand filled with blood.

He flew up from the ground where I sat and he freaked out. ‘’HELP HELP! HELP! JESUS! FUCK! SHE.. OUR BABIES! FUCK!’’ He continues yelling over and over throwing his hands up in the air. I heard helicopter sounds and everything went black.

Harry’s POV

The paramedic took Liam and Eirin’s lifeless bodies in the helicopter and it wasn’t any room for me or anyone else so we had to drive to the hospital. Niall cried out and Louis was freaking out. Zayn and I sat in the back seat just staring at each other.

We knew it… We’re going to lose someone now…

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