Part 40 - We're family

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Niall’s POV

It drove me mad to think that Harry would do something like that to Eirin, she deserves better. But I understand how girls can be to us, how they can use us when we’re vulnerable. I though that what Harry told her is the truth but she didn’t.

I saw the wanted to believe it but I understand her and Harry. This isn’t going to be easy for any of them, but I’m happy to have her with me so that I know where she is. And I can help her, be a friend to her.

We sat curled on the couch cuddling up, eating ice cream. I tried my very best to comfort her and make her laugh and smile forgetting the outside world. ‘’So Eirin, can i… can I be a uncle?’’ I tried asking because I really wanted to be in her life for as long as I could. She stared at me confused but then her eyes filled with happiness and she smiled.

‘’Of course, you’ll be uncle because your my best friend and I want my child to have a uncle that will be there for her….’’ ‘’WAIT! YOU KNOW THE GENDER?’’ I stopped her getting really excited. She smiled at me cheerful.

‘’Yes.. It’s a girl’’ she smiled and I stared down at her lips wanting, needing to kiss her so bad. ‘’I’m so happy for you, I’m really happy for you’’ I stood up. ‘’I was just thinking about giving you a drink but your pregnant so I’ll get you some tea for my little.. Wait have you thought about a name?’’ I asked.

‘’Well, Harry always wanted to call our boy William, and our girl Darcy, but I wanted to name our girl Sarah, or Nadia, or Rose. What do you like?’’ she asked standing up with me wrapping her hands around me.

I stared at her deeply thinking, ‘’Rose is beautiful, but you must choose what you want not what I want, or anybody else.’’ I said suddenly hearing my phone calling.

Harry calling… ‘’What do you want?’’ I asked Harry through the phone. ‘’The media is going crazy over where Eirin is, and the whole pregnant thing. And us not being together.’’  He said through the phone.

‘’What do you want me to do? Drive her back to you? Because right now she doesn’t even want to see you. And I don’t want her to see you either.’’ I said. ‘’What the fuck Horan, she’s my fiance and now she’s even having my child. We need to fix everything, me and her and you’re in our way.’’ He yelled through the phone.

‘’Bloody hell, you’re a big dick Haz. She’s with me because I’m her friend and right now she needs someone and I’m the only one she’s got. She’s not coming back, and you can’t find her or me.’’ I said hanging up.

‘’It was Harry right?’’ she asked worried. ‘’He just missed you’’ I said to her. ‘’Is it the media, he’s always concerned over them and how things can became’’ she seemed strange staring down at the floor.

‘’Let’s just be together, laugh and smile. Don’t think about anything outside please. I’ll make us dinner, we’ll watch movies and just talk or no talk.’’ I tried comforting her, and she did get a bit better.

//One day later

Eirin’s POV

After a night with Niall being really sick and eating a lot of food, laughing at different movies and him being really stupid trying to make me laugh. It felt like he was my best girl friend because I told tell him everything, and he understood me. He was such a good friend to me and seriously he makes me laugh so hard.

I had just made Niall and I some breakfast, when I heard a loud knock on the door making Niall run down stairs showing me not to open the door. ‘’Nobody knows we’re here, get into the livingroom please.’’ Niall suddenly became really over protective and worried for me. I went into the living room standing with the wall opening between the front door and the living room.

Niall slowly opened the door to me pushed inside and I saw right away who it was. ‘’WHERE IS SHE! I NEED TO TALK TO HER!’’ He yelled angry at Niall, Niall fell back on his ass as ‘he’ stood over him. ‘’STOP! STOP! I’M HERE!’’ I yelled jumping out from behind the wall running over to Niall protecting him.

‘’Eirin!’’ Harry yelled and Niall stood up quickly being a human shield for me. ‘’Don’t touch her, don’t even talk to her’’ Niall angry yelled standing in front of me. ‘’Niall your my mate, your my best friend and I need my girl back… I can’t live without her, I haven’t been sleeping and I’m going crazy. I need to be with her, and our child, and we have to grow up, get past this and become adults because we’re getting married and you and the lads will be uncles and best man at our wedding because we’re family.’’ Harry sniffled watery eyes.

I stepped beside Niall walking over to Harry he stared at me with sad eyes as I wrapped my hands around him hugging him tight. He lifted his hands up to my head brushing his fingers through my hair kissing my forehead.

I lifted one of my hands back guiding Niall to me and I opened my arm hugging him and Harry. He stepped back so did Harry. ‘’No! Hug now, we’re family remember, we hug. So hug me now’’ I commanded and they both stared at each other clearly not wanting to do it but they did it. We all hugged together.

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