Part 37 - Severe

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Eirin’s POV

After Harry left I laid in bed afraid of falling asleep but I did. Till I woke up in the middle of the night screaming so I got up taking a shower and I made myself some tea. I sat the entire night, and morning watching TV shows and I still didn’t fall asleep again.

‘’Hello?’’ my sleepy voice answered as Harry called me. ‘’Did I wake you?’’ he asked back sounding really awake and happy. ‘’No.. I didn’t sleep much but it’s fine.’’ I tried sounding a lot more cheerful but he heard it and he knew me to good.

‘’Is it the nightmares again?’’ he anxious asked. I paused thinking, I knew if I told him everything he wouldn’t stop thinking about it. ‘’It’s nothing, Harry I’m fine. How’s it going there?’’ I turned the question to him and I was good at it.

‘’It’s going really good, you know the song I wrote for you?’’ he asked and I answered. ‘’Well the boys love it and we’re putting it on the album. We called it remember forever just like we call it.’’ He sounded so happy and it made me smile forgetting how tired I was.

‘’That’s really…. Really great Harry’’ I cheered over the phone. ‘’Please call me if there is something wrong, you know I’m here for you’’ he said. ‘’Yes, I know. Love you’’ I said and he said it back and we hang up.

// Two days later

I only got two or three hours sleep every night and when Harry called me had gotten more and more good at lying to him. Sitting around for two days just watching TV was the most awful thing I have ever done. Sometimes I felt like dying for boredom.

It’s two more days till Harry finishes his recording with the boys. I don’t even know if I can stand two more days yelling myself out from sleep. I think I need to visit the doctors maybe to get some pills to finally sleep.

// At the doctor (later that day)

‘’So what can I do for you today?’’ a woman asked me as I sat down in front of her. ‘’I can’t sleep, I wake up screaming every night but it’s only when I’m sleeping alone. I don’t get it. I’ve only slept 2 or three hours for three days now.’’ I said and she wrote down something on a paper then she stared at me then at the paper again.

‘’Has something happened it your life that may have caused this? Can you tell me about your dreams, is there something you go through before you wake up?’’ she asked sounding so normal yet professional.

‘’I don’t even know, so much have happened. I had a tumor, I died, I went in a coma, my mom died and I didn’t see her, so much I can’t even remember everything.’’ I smiled through the tears and she totally saw it.

After sitting for a while talking about almost everything she gave me a lot of different medicine I was going to try. She said I had severe PTSD and that’s why I couldn’t sleep. So I got home and I took a pill off all the three bottles of medicine I got.

I walked around the living room and suddenly I felt so tired everything went black, I didn’t know it would be this quick.

Harry’s POV

‘’Mate what’s going on, you seem worried?’’ Zayn asked me and I stared down at my phone. ‘’I’ve been trying to call Eirin for hours now and she always answers except for now. It feels like something’s wrong’’ I truly said.

‘’You’ve done all your singing today, you probably can go home now’’ Liam said sitting beside me. I nodded quickly getting up going home.

Her door was locked and I yelled through it not hearing anything. I knocked and I yelled feeling more and more concerned. I got the owner of the apartments to lock it up after I screamed at him and I slammed the door open to find her on the floor.

I lifted her up carrying her to her bed, I shook her so many but she was dead asleep. I found a few pills after I almost went crazy. She had taken sleeping pills and I just sat here waiting for her to wake up.

Eirin’s POV

‘’What? How did I get here’’ I whispered out loud sitting up to find no one here. ‘’You awake?’’ a sudden voice yelled from the living room. I sat up walking out my bedroom to see Harry tired watching TV drinking a beer.

‘’How are you feeling?’’ he asked not looking at me, concentrated at the TV. ‘’I’m.. I’m acutally really good now. I guess the sleeping helped.’’ I pleased said jumping down beside him on the couch. ‘’Why do you have those pills?’’ he looked a little upset, but agonized by it.

‘’Look I haven’t slept the last few days and I needed help, so I went to the doctor and he said I had severe PTSD, so I got different kinds of pills to help me and they are.’’ I optimistic smiled at him but he shrugged.

‘’You should have told me, that’s what I’m here for. How am I going to trust you if you can’t trust me’’ he looked disappointed at me. ‘’I do trust you but I don’t want you to be worried, I know how you get. And I can do this myself, I don’t need you every second.’’ I’m certain I could get through this alone.

‘’Are you better now then? I mean do you feel better’’ he asked. ‘’I feel great, and tomorrow I’m getting a new package I ordered online. I’m finding something to do now and I think you’ll be really surprised by it.’’ Satisfied I smiled leaning quickly kissing his lips.

‘’So you’ll be fine with me recording for two more days, not seeing me for two days.’’ He wrapped his hands around me kissing my neck.

‘’I’ll be fine Styles, love you still’’ I kissed him passionately as he smiled under my lips. ‘’I haven’t… well had some fun for a long time now.. I think we should use our little time together being really active together.’’ He seductively whispered it to my ear.

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