Part 13 - He left a long time ago

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Eirin’s POV

I opened my eyes looking around the empty room. My vision blurry because of the light. ‘’Where am i?’’ I whispered out trying to see if there was a person inside here. I didn’t get an answer and I started to freak out, there was nobody around. Empty halls and rooms.

I slowly sat up my body hurting and sore, slowly sliding my feet down on the floor. I shivered feeling how ice cold it felt beneath my feet. I stood up straight, stepping one step at the time forward. ‘’Hello?’’ I asked again standing in the door frame holding myself up.

‘’Oh my you’re waken up! Call the doctors!’’ A nurse came walking around the corner seeing me, just when she had looked twice at me she smiled happy. Here face looked like she had won a million dollars. Making me suspicious about her strange behavior.

‘’You shouldn’t stand Miss Greene.’’ The nurse ran over to me helping me stand as we walked back to my bed. ‘’I’m sorry but where’s everyone? It’s so empty here.’’ I asked staring out the door. ‘’It’s Christmas dear, everyone’s down in the cafeteria to celebrate. Every Christmas we take as many as we can down there.’’ She smiled putting the duvet or me and checking a machine beside me.

‘’WHAT!? IT’S CHRISTMAS?’’ I yelled freaking out. ‘’It can’t be, I just had the operation last night and Harry.. It was only September. Are you lying to me? It can’t be Christmas. Please be lying to me.’’ I still yelled out shocked.

‘’It’s December 24th today.’’ She looked at me concerned as I looked around the room for my phone. ‘’Can you find my phone, and where’s Harry?’’ I sat up on the bed stepping out of it. ‘’I’ll get it for you’’ The nurse walked to the closet taking my bag out.

‘’The man.. Mr. Styles. He left a long time ago. I’m sorry’’ She said with a low voice. I logged on my twitter seeing all the changes. Harry’s together with a girl and he’s on tour with her. ‘’OH GOD, This must be a dream. Please be a dream.’’ I cried out not even able to control it.

I walked around the room looking through old news. ‘’Harry Styles lost control, did drugs’’ Was one news title, ‘’Styles together with Teresa Rose’’ all the news made me crazy. ‘’PLEASE LET ME GO BACK’’ I yelled screaming out. All the pain in my chest, losing Harry seeing him kiss another girl. Me being in a coma for 4 months. The pain is worse than anything I have felt.

Finding Harry’s number I called him right away locking the bath room door so that the nurse wouldn’t come in. ‘’Harry!?’’ I yelled crying out hearing him say hallo. ‘’Eirin?’’ He asked. ‘’Why are you together with someone else? Why aren’t you here?’’ I cried out.

‘’I don’t care about you, I never had and never will. I don’t even love you I love Emma. See you never crazy girl.’’ He said hanging up the phone. I feel so lost, so strange, this can’t be true. I don’t want to be in this world like this. Get me to somewhere else.

I turned around to the door seeing all the doctors in the door waiting for me to get ready. Seeing the big roof to floor window looking out at the high buildings around, ‘’What floor are we in?’’ I asked still staring out the window.

‘’11th floor miss. A man said behind me. I stepped slowly back breathing in and out before I ran towards the window. Crashing my body against it breaking the glass, suddenly my body was falling down from my room. Falling down I saw the ground coming closer and closer. This is the end. I love you Harry. I whispered closing my eyes.


‘’EIRIN!? PLEASE WAKE UP!’’ Someone’s dark voice called me from the darkness, I opened my eyes looking at Harry and a nurse and a doctor beside me. I gripped his shirt pulling him closer to me crying silently.

‘’What day is it today and what month?’’ I asked nervously, Harry stared at me worried then at the doctor. ''It's been 4 days since your operation. You’ve been in a coma for 4 days.’’ Harry said as I saw a tear fell down his beautiful face.

‘’Thank god’’ I smiled cheerful and happy. ‘’I have never seen someone scream themselves out of a coma. This is really strange.’’ The nurse said suddenly out of nowhere. I laughed sitting up a little ignoring the pain screaming at me.

‘’For me it was the worst nightmare in my life, I’m so thankful it’s not true. I don’t want the thing that happened on the end to happen to me’’ I laughed staring at Harry as his smile slowly got bigger happy to see me.

‘’Is the tumor really gone now?’’ I stared back at the doctors standing beside the door ready to leave. ‘’Yes, you should be living 100 more years’’ He smiled and I smiled looking back at Harry. His face was filled with so much happiness and I loved him so much it hurts a little.

‘’I love you’’ I whispered to Harry, leaning forward to kiss him. ‘’Love you forever’’ He smiled kissing me back.

// Six days later

So the doctors finally decided to let me leave and I and Harry are both happy. ‘’I have something bad to tell you.’’ Harry said as we walked inside my apartment with my bag. I turned around seeing his not so happy face, he seemed scared to tell me what’s on his heart.

‘’What? Can’t be worse than a tumor and almost dying’’ I laughed joking. ‘’I got a new agent, his called Nick Mitchell and he’s not as good as you because I met him but he’s a great guy. The management wouldn’t keep you more because of the stress it will give you and the fact that you have one month recovery time.’’ He looked sad but then happy, way too happy for this, it looked like he was hiding something big.

‘’What are you not saying? I can see it in your eyes, your keeping something from me’’ I smirked stepping closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me, snuggling his face into my neck making me giggle. I pushed him back being dead serious about his secrets. He’s smile telling me it’s something maybe for me? I just stood silent in my place waiting.

‘’You’re birthday is 23th of December right? And Louis birthday is 24th of December. I thought if you would, only if you wanted. If you would want to..’’ He looked down at me questioning and worried, stressing way out about this. Suddenly becoming awkward in front of me.

‘’Spit it out Styles’’ I quickly said. ‘’Do you want to spend Christmas with the boys and me.. And come with me on tour?’’ He seemed way too unsure of the question. I smiled big, feeling like I was flying in the air, all this because of asking me if I wanted to go on tour. Here I am thinking it was something serious.

‘’I would love to, I will go everywhere with you Styles if you’d let me.’’ I leaned in kissing his lips as one of his hands stroked down on my ass gripping hard lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around him as he held me up still kissing me hungry. Immediately all the pleasure and good feelings came back making me horny as hell. Just saying, this boy I mean man will be the death of me.

‘’Bed now’’ I grabbed his hand walking into my bedroom laughing and exited.

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