Part 5 - Shut up

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Eirin’s POV

His hard length was rubbing over my thin panties as he was kissing me everywhere. I really wanted this but I didn’t want to hurt him. What if I died, what if I didn’t live through the operation. I could die at any time and to think that he’ll pay for everything makes me angry and sad.

I know he only wants to help but I don’t want him to do it because he pities me and has the money. I have saved money for years now and suddenly his giving me all the money, I have worked my ass off to get. The anger got too much of me and I rolled out of the bed quickly standing up. Harry seemed so hurt and concerned about me suddenly standing there.

‘’Listen Harry you need to leave. In three days you’ll be meeting the other boys in the band and I’ll get your safety guard to drive you to where you’re going to film your new video. I’ll be coming later there.’’ I sounded so mean and I didn’t sound like myself anymore, but I can’t do this. I’ll hurt him more then myself.

His face lost all expression and it broke my heart so much I had to turn around as he got dressed. He knew I was dead serious and I’m happy he listened. Or else I would have surrounded and done something really good or bad.

When I heard my front door close I ran towards it locking it and I sat down crying right with the door, it breaks my heart feeling these feelings already. I’m falling for him just like he’s with me. Time is moving to fast and this isn’t good for us.

// Three days later

I haven’t talked or seen Harry these past few days, I went out jogging every morning when I knew he would be sleeping and I did what I always did. Sleep, Eat, Work, eat, work, sleep. My normal routine.

Today Harry is going to a secret place to film their new music video and I lied that I was going to meet him again but the truth is. I didn’t have to meet him, as long as I got him home and to the places he needed to be. And all the paper works, I didn’t have to meet him.

Harry walked out his apartment when his driver came and I stared through my little whole on the door and he looked quickly at my door then his face sadden and his gaze fell down at the floor as he walked away. I felt bad for suddenly not caring about him even if I did. I cried myself to sleep the past few days. And I slept for 3 hours each night, something I really did feel when I woke up in the middle of the night having these big panic attacks.

I had the biggest dark bags under my eyes and I needed some air. As I got dressed and took my purse to maybe go to a mall or wherever my feet took me. I locked my door and I turned around to see Harry running towards me. ‘’You work for me and I need you today’’ He commanded with anger taking my hand just as I had locked my door.

He dragged me to the car and I sat in the back seat with him and another band member called Louis Tomlinson, thank god I had remembered all their names. I took my hand out politely toward Louis and said hello. ‘’Hi you must be Louis Tomlinson right? My name is Miss. Greene.’’ I sounded like a professional agent and that I was. ‘’Oh, hello Miss. Nice to meet you. You’re?’’ He questioned looking at Harry and me. ‘’Sorry I’m Harry’s agent.’’ I smiled trying to hide every emotion inside me screaming. Harry just stared sadden down at the floor of the car as we drove away.

I sat back in the car having my purse on my lap. After a while of driving I felt Harry’s hand brush through mine to connect them. I opened it without looking and I felt him squeeze tight still staring out the window. Somehow I relaxed a little, just sitting there connected with him. His warm strong arm touching me, I sat a lot closer to Harry than to Louis and I think he saw mine and Harry’s hand under my purse on my lap.

‘’We’ll be there in 10 minutes’’ The driver said to us. ‘’Lad this drive has been way to long. My ass hurts’’ Louis joked laughing to loud for inside a car. ‘’So your Harry’s agent, I guess you’re already falling for his handsome personality and that god for sake body.’’ Louis joked turning towards me and Harry. I squeezed his hand harder trying to be professional here but my emotions wanting to shoot out. I guess Harry felt my anger and started slowly rubbing his thumb up and down my finger. It calmed me a bit before answering Louis question. ‘’It’s all professional here, and let’s only talk business and nothing else.’’ I calmly said still holding Harry’s hand.

When the car finally arrived Louis jumped out right away leaving me and Harry suddenly alone for a few seconds, he quickly kissed my lips as I turned for him to get out. I smiled kissing him back before opening the door to push him out playfully.

// Night (Many hours later)

‘’I’m so tired I could die’’ Louis whined and the other boys whined to, saying it was cold and they were hungry. Zayn was the sleepy one and he’s already asleep. I tired holding my eyes open but my 3 hours sleep wasn’t helping me much here. Me, Harry and Louis plus the driver and a security guard got in the car and we started driving. Right away I fell asleep, my head slowly falling down on Harry’s shoulder. Before I was in deep sleep I heard the boys talk over me whispering things.

‘’Mate she’s hot damn’’ Louis said over me thinking I was asleep. ‘’Shut up Louis!’’ He snapped back. ‘’God why so mean, you like her don’t you? I saw how you were looking at her when she didn’t look at you. You were both staring at each other when the other was looking somewhere else. Ohhh. What did you do? Did you have sex?’’ Louis giggled joking and pushing him.

‘’Shut up Louis or I’ll fucking kill you.’’ Harry’s angry dark voice was sexy as hell but I felt his anger through me. ‘’Just tell me mate, you love her right? I guess she’s amazing in the bed. Or she has a lot of boyfriends.’’ Louis continued pressing the subject and I could feel Harry’s anger go higher by the second. I slowly took his hand that he had down beside my leg and his in the seat. I squeezed it tight trying to comfort him in a secret way without Louis looking. Even if I had my eyes shut I knew Louis didn’t see it.

I heard Harry sigh, then he became silent. But he relaxed squeezing my hand back. I moved my face closer to his shoulder snuggling into it. It felt safer, It feels good being with him. Words can’t explain.

The trip was really fast since I fell asleep really fast. Louis scared the soul out of me when we got to our apartments by screaming into my ear. Harry laughed a little because of my face then he helped me out the car and we were left alone finally.

‘’Thank you for today for calming me down, I seriously would have killed that boy.’’ Harry said with a small laugh.  I smiled and nodded as I locked up my door. ‘’Oh I remember I have some papers you need to look over so if you could come over now or later that would be great.’’ I asked opening my door.

‘’Now is better than later, I’m tired.’’ He walked passed me into my apartment not even sparing time. 

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