Part 1 - First 3 months

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Eirin’s POV

These last few months have been my most crazy days and weeks in my life, almost one month ago I got a call from one of Harry Styles’ management and they needed the best agent for him as possible and they had seen what I could so and gave me the job.                                          

I literally dropped everything I was doing and working on and packed my stuff, sold my apartment and moved to London were I was going to live right next door to Sir. Styles. They gave me the so much money per month that I almost fainted. The management helped me find the apartment that would work the best and they have literally fixed everything for me.

Guess that’s a good thing then. Today in just 1 hour I’m meeting the young Sir. Styles, or should I say Mr. Styles but he’s not married. The management also gave me a huge bible of paper works that I needed to read about Harry and the band. I would be so busy the next 3 months to begin with that I would probably die.. At least that’s what they said but if they only knew me.

I’ve been sitting in a plane over the night and now it’s almost noon so I think that’s a perfect time to get some work done.

‘’Miss. Do you need help to carry you bag?’’ The Taxi man asked me. ‘’No thank you I’ll handle it.’’ I nicely said back walking up the stairs to a huge apartment block with many apartments inside. I took the elevator up to the 4th floor then walked to my apartment door. 49 was my door number, the one right over the door from the one boy I’ll be working for. His number was 48.

Something that made me a little angry was how they made the door numbers here, the numbers wasn’t right next to each other it was on each side. For example 1 on the right wall, 2 on the left.

But then again I’ll not think about that much here, work and work will be on my mind. I locked up the door and walked inside. All my stuff was already decorated around like I just bought the apartment with furniture’s. I had a really boring style, all dressed in white and modern style. After getting dressed in something more formal for work, my black tight skirt from my knees and up to my waist then a white blouse under.

I walked over to his door and knocked on the door. He didn’t open right away after three knocks he opened the door in only his boxers. Looked like he had just woken up, his brown curly hair was pointing everywhere and he had his eyes shut.

‘’I’m your new agent, my name is Eirin Winter Greene, but you can call me Miss. Greene. Today you’ll be helping a chari’’ I said but he stopped me by putting his hand on my shoulder pushing me inside his apartment as he shut the door. I just stood there with the door as he walked away.

‘’Make yourself at home, but don’t touch anything. I’ll be back.’’ He said sounding a big annoyed so I just sat down at a chair beside the front door. His apartment was really messy and the open room was almost without walls. It didn’t look like my apartment at all.

Right when you walk inside you’re already inside his living room, and beside on the left there’s his kitchen. Just a few meters forward there are two doors, one to his bedroom and bathroom I guess. The wall’s is dressed in bricks and his kitchen is black, black and more black. Still it looks great for people who like that taste, for me it’s to shiny and black.

It wasn’t my style at all, looked way to messy because the colour makes it look smaller. I looked down at my watch and saw that the boy have used 15 minutes already. Had he gone back to sleep? I decided to walk around his apartment just to have time go on faster, and maybe because I want to snoop around.

There aren’t much here, a few photos of him and the other boys he’s in the band with and some famous people. 20 Minutes later he came out with black skinny jeans and a red flannel shirt and his hair was now much more fluffy and curly then it looked like when I first saw him.

Hired as Harry Styles's AgentOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant