Part 11 - Tumor has spread

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Eirin’s POV

//Next day (Morning)

Last night I laughed really hard, the boys were telling all kinds of different stories from tour and I laughed so hard about one story when Harry was changing and a girl came walking inn and saw him naked. She ran to him hugging him even though he was standing there complete naked. Just imagining it I laughed even more.

We had so much fun and I feel like I have four new friends and one boy I love. I asked Harry to sleep in his own apartment today because I needed to go for a regular check up at the doctors really early in the morning. At first he didn’t want to but he needed a really long sleep, so I said if he slept in his own bed last night I would give him something back, something he’d love.

Already up I had showered, seen through some paper works and talked to the management about Harry’s new agent. I said I would go through the contract of 3 months something that is getting closer and closer. I said I could and I wanted to be his agent but they wasn’t sure yet because now that they know I have this tumour.

I took Harry’s car keys that I had borrowed for today and walked out the door and down the stairs. I stood at the end of the street still scared to walk down here again. So I called a taxi instead being the scared person I am, as always when it comes to this I’m to weak.

When I arrived the at the doctor’s office I sat down waiting. ‘’Eirin Greene?’’ A nurse asked and I followed her into a room. ‘’So Greene, have you felt any pain lately?’’ The doctor turned around to face me then his face dropped seeing my face with bandages. ‘’Sorry, Miss what happened to your face?’’ He asked concerned stepping forward looking closer.

‘’I was attacked by a man with a gun last night, but it’s fine.’’ I lied, my cheek hurts like hell. ‘’Don’t lie, it will only give you pain not me.’’ He said stepping back sitting on his chair again giving me the space I wanted.

‘’After I have told you everything about your tests, I’ll check on your wound.’’ He said and the low tone he said it in made me scared and worried. ‘’We got the results back from your operation, and the doctors took away all the tumor they could.  But we found another problem. Seeing that you went for too long without the operation we have found..’’ ‘’STOP!’’ I raised my voice scared to hear what he was about to say. ‘’Jesus give me a minute to breath..’’ I said lowering my voice again. I wanted to call Harry but if this was really bad then I couldn’t let him know.

‘’Keep going please’’ I whispered. He looked down at the papers then at me worried. ‘’Since you went to long without an operation we have seen that your tumor have grown to other parts of your body. It’s just in one place, but the thing is that it’s grown a lot bigger. We want you to have a new operation right away because you will die without it and we have to say that we can’t promise you’ll survive this. The tumor is in a hard place to operate but we’ll do our best.’’ He stared at me for an answer but I lost everything.

‘’I… can’t.. I can’t tell Harry.. Everyone I love have left me because they’re too afraid to see me die and now you’re saying that I’ll die. I just found someone I love and loves me back and now this.. I can’t..’’ I cried out watching his concerned face grow bigger staring at me falling apart. I saw his empathy and pity for me but I didn’t care. He didn’t know how it was to be in this position.

‘’Miss I’m so sorry about this but you need the operation for your own good. Even if it’s a 10/50 chance. If you don’t have the operation the chances of you living out this month is zero. The tumor can grow on your heart and it will be almost impossible to remove it. I’ll get you a driver to pick you up tomorrow morning so that you can come here to have the operation right away. How does that sound?’’ He smiled at me trying to comfort me.

I nodded weak and unsure, right now hearing this. I’ve found my thoughts only being about Harry and how he’ll react to this. Maybe I can say I need to leave for a month and he’ll not now anything. I don’t want him to worry anymore.

The doctor checked my wounds on my face then I left. I arrived at my apartment and just when I was about to lock up the door, Harry’s door opened. ‘’Eirin!’’ He smiled as I turned around, and when he saw my tears his face fell just like the doctors face.

‘’What’s wrong? Oh please god it’s bad? Bad news? Please don’t be’’ He’s eyes began to water right away as he stepped forward to me hug me then letting go staring into my eyes. ‘’Harry.. I need to be alone for a few hours.’’ I cried out and I saw the tears fall from his eyes. ‘’No.. No it’s bad is it not? No.. Please don’t leave me.. Tell me I can handle it.’’ I saw that he lied, he was crying in front of me just knowing something was wrong.

‘’I can’t tell you… You’re going to leave me just like everyone else’’ I whispered staring down. ‘’No I’m not I love you! Tell me I need to know’’ He’s voice raised angry holding onto my shoulders for dear life.

‘’The.. Tumor.. has.. spread.’’ I cried out losing my strength to stand falling into Harry’s arms. He lifted me up carrying me to my bed. He laid me down sitting with his back faced me. ‘’I’m going to the hospital tomorrow to have another operation. I know you’re tired of the hospital so you don’t have to go with me. It’s fine, I’ll be fine alone. I.. I don’t want this burden for you’’ I shuttered holding my screams and cried inside for him.

‘’Harry say something?’’ I asked after a few minutes of silence, he didn’t move. He just stared at the wall just breathing slowly. I found the strength to crawl out of my bed, stepping over to get my bag then packing in a few new cloths and bath room supplies. The silent broken tears just kept on sliding down my swollen cheeks.

I stared into my closet of cloths silently crying, I took my hand on the wall holding myself up. How can this happen to me. And now the only person I love.. He’ll probably leave me like everyone else. Pain struck my back and chest making it harder for me to breath, I can’t think this. It’s breaking me apart.

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