You Deserve Much Better Than This

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he visited me that night,

i was nervous with fright

for what i was about to do

would very much change his life

he sat at the table

happy as i could see

and for almost the whole time

he was looking at me

i went to the kitchen

to fix our drinks

i poured in the wine

and then i think

i put poisin in one

none in the other

i set them on the table

then we talked to each other

we made a toast

"till death do us part"

it made me so sad

to break his innocent heart

we drank our wine

after the toast

he said "i love you"

and i fell from the dine.

he comes to see me

but doesnt know why i died

i kept in what i thought

for he would've denied

what i wanted to say is:

"you deserve much better than this"

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